

2020-12-14    16'13''

主播: 龍密

246 1

Whether it's for physical life or for one's inner life. All of us must go beyond the acquired abilities represented by embarrassment, otherwise we will indulge in the innate abilities when we are addicted to the bizarre world that the seven orifices bring us. It is further blinded, which is the internal reason for the chaotic death of Qiqikai. 無論對於肉體的生命而言,還是對於一個人內在的會命而言。都要我們超越蹊蹺為代表的後天能力,否則我們沉迷於七竅帶給我們的光怪陸離的世界時,先天能力。會進一步蒙蔽,這就是七竅開而混沌死的,內在原因。