集思晨读 Day 135 中国文化特辑 姓名

集思晨读 Day 135 中国文化特辑 姓名

2015-04-21    02'01''

主播: 宽心石

66 3

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 135 中国文化特辑 】 062 Name 姓名 Good morning, everyone! It's Tue., 21st April. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周二早上好,今天是四月二十一号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读! 今天的中国文化特辑跟大家聊 姓名 1. Chinese names, Xing Ming, are different from western ones. 2. The family names come first and given names come last. 3. People usually ask each other’s Xing Ming when they meet. 4. If they share the same family name, they believe that their ancestors were relatives 500 years ago. 5. The family of Confucius is an example of Chinese family names. 6. A young man can trace his family line to an ancestor who lived 2500 years ago. 7. It is like a tree: leaves, branches and roots are connected by the family name. 8. There are supposedly more than 20,000 family names in China. 9. The secrets of where your ancestors came from and what they did are concealed in Xing Ming. 备注: 1. 姓 last name/ family name/surname 名 first name/ givn name 西方把“名字”放在第一个(first),而把“姓”放在最后(the last) 同时一些人还会有中间名或教名(宗教) 2. conceal 动词 搭配: ~ sth/sb (from sb/sth) keep sth/sb from being seen or known about; hide sth/sb 隐藏﹑ 掩盖或隐瞒某事物[某人] 中国人的“姓”的确是一个有趣的话题; 主播姓“靖”,习惯性被朋友戏称靖哥哥,但是那个是由“郭靖”郭大侠的专属称号; 我的“靖”的确很少见,所以碰见本家姓的朋友,的确倍感亲切!