集思晨读 Day 150 中国文化特辑 火药

集思晨读 Day 150 中国文化特辑 火药

2015-05-06    02'28''

主播: 宽心石

76 2

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 150 中国文化特辑 】 070 火药 Good morning, everyone! It's Wed., 6th May. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周三早上好,今天是五月六号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读! 今天的中国文化特辑 跟大家聊 火药 Gunpowder 1. Gunpowder, Huoyao, is another ancient Chinese invention. 2. It was invented by accident. 3. More than 1,000 years ago, people experimenting in a pharmacy made the discovery. 4. They found if sulphur(硫磺), charcoal(木炭) and potassium nitrate(硝酸钾) were mixed together with a certain proportion, the mixture would explode. 5. Gunpowder changed the style of wars. 6. The steel age ended and gunpowder based weapons are now widely used. 7. More than 600 years ago, primitive guns were used in China. 8. Cannonballs were propelled by the thrust of the Huoyao explosion. 9. Now Huoyao is also widely used in fireworks. 10. The splendid fireworks at the Beijing Olympic Games garnered wide acclaim and admiration from the audience. 备注: 1. by accident: 偶然; 意外地 If something happens by accident, it happens completely by chance. 再举例: The pilot, whether by accident or design (=whether it was planned or not planned) , made the plane do a sharp turn. 不管是有意还是无意,飞行员猛地将飞机掉头转向。 2. pharmacy /ˈfɑːməsi/ = drugstore 药店;药房 注意这个单词中“ph”组合发 /f/ 类似例子: phenomenon /fɪˈnɔmɪnən/ n.现象 physics /f'ɪzɪks/ n.物理 3. propel /prəˈpel/ v.推进, 驱动, 推(某物) 再举例: His addiction to drugs propelled him towards a life of crime. 他吸毒成瘾使他走上犯罪的道路. 4. garner /ˈgɑːnə/ v. 取得;获得 再举例: The party garnered 70 percent of the vote. 该党获得了70%的选票。 5. wide acclaim and admiration 称赞和嘉许