集思晨读 Day 151 中国文化特辑 功夫

集思晨读 Day 151 中国文化特辑 功夫

2015-05-07    04'00''

主播: 宽心石

71 3

【集思晨读 Lewis Day 151 中国文化特辑 】 071 Kung Fu Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 7th May. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周四早上好,今天是五月七号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家晨读! 今天的中国文化特辑双语跟大家聊 Kung Fu 功夫 关键词: 武功 / 师傅 / 技击 / 套路 / 武侠 / 习武 (中文解说部分省略) Now let's take a look at a short description of Kung Fu in English. 1. Kung Fu, Gongfu, is as fast as wind, as stable as mountains, and as powerful as fire. 2. Kung Fu originated from labor and the imitation of animals. 3. Knives, swords, spears, sticks and bows are used in Kung Fu. 4. Kung Fu is not only useful, but also graceful. 5. Therefore, Kung Fu is regarded as the oriental martial art. 6. It is not mysterious. 7. Everyone can take training. 8. Kung Fu is good for health and self-defense. 9. Now Kung Fu is widely practiced around the world.