集思双语 中国文化特辑 西游记

集思双语 中国文化特辑 西游记

2015-06-18    09'38''

主播: 宽心石

3172 2

【集思双语 Lewis 中国文化特辑 西游记 Journey to the West】 Good morning, everyone! It's Thurs., 18th June. I am Lewis saying hello to you all from Yangzhou. 大家周四早上好,今天是六月十八号! 我是Lewis,在扬州给大家问好! 今天给大家分享的中国文化元素主题是 《西游记》 Journey to the West! 1. “Journey to the West” is the most famous mythology in China. 2. It was inspired by real historical events. 3. A Buddhist monk, named Xuzang, walked through the harsh desert for more than 10 thousand kilometers on his pilgrimage to India to obtain Buddhist sutras. 4. His first disciple, named Sun Wukong, is a monkey with great magic powers. 5. He is a righteous and brave hero who has mastered 72 methods of transformations. 6. Unlike conventional heroes, he departs from tradition and fights for freedom. 7. His tag is “Hey, I am coming!” 8. He defeated powerful demons on the pilgrimage, and helped Xuanzang accomplish his objectives with Zhu bajie, monk Sha wujin and Bailongma. 9. “Journey to the West” tells stories about self-discipline and overcoming difficulties. 10. It has profound influence on the Chinese spirit. 最后补上一句,86版的电视剧西游记对80年代出生的孩子影响那也是profound! 备注: 1. Mythology 神话 2. Pilgrimage 朝圣 3. Disciple 徒儿 4. Righteous 正义的 5. Conventional hero 传统的/一般的 英雄 6. Depart from tradition 背离传统 7. Tag 格言 8. Accomplish his objectives 实现目标,完成任务 9. Self-discipline 自律 10. Overcome difficulties 克服困难 11. Profound influence 深远的影响