

2014-11-26    10'29''

主播: Apple Ma

102 2

大家好,我们今天来预习一下四年级英语上册第9课第2单元的内容。 (一)复习U1内容 骑自行车去兜风 go for a bike ride 又饿又渴 hungry and thirsty 用自行车驮着西瓜 carry the watermelon on the bike/carry…on the bike 从车子上摔了下来 fall off his bike /fall off… 把头给撞了 bump his head 带着Daming和西瓜一起去了医院 take Daming and the watermelon to the hospital //take … to … 你怎么了 What happened to you? /What happened to…? Turn to page 53我们把书翻到53页。 (二)学习第一部分 注意两组词的发音 第一组:jumped, bumped,u都发/ʌ/和ed发/t/ 第二组:bed, said, then, fell, head,发/e/ (三)学习第二部分 1. fell over(fall over的过去式),意思是“摔倒了,跌倒了”fall over…fell over 2. 膝盖受伤了,hurt my knees,hurt受伤,过去式hurt。 3. 割到了手指,cut my finger,cut切,割,过去式cut。 摔倒fell over/fall over 膝盖受伤hurt my knees 割到手指cut my finger (四)扩展 “小心!”,“当心!”Be careful! careful(小心的,认真的) Apple老师正在使用剪刀剪纸,你会怎么告诫我呢? Be careful! Don’t cut your finger. Apple老师正急匆匆的赶路,你会怎么告诫我呢? Be careful! Don’t fall over. You may hurt your knees. Apple老师正急匆匆的赶路,没有看路,差点撞到门框上了,你会怎么告诫我呢? Be careful! Don’t bump your head. OK! That’s all for today. Bye!