Some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

Some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

2019-04-19    05'14''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

514 6

1. 豁然开朗huo-ran-kai-Lang: as if a light went on: As if the light went on, he suddenly realized what happened. 2. 活见鬼了huo-jian-gui-le: ridiculous/ they're out of their minds: I never joined the club and they are trying to collect a membership fee! They must be out of their minds. 3. 活受罪huo-shou-zui: live in the hell on earth/ lead a hellish life: Just get a divorce and stop leading such a hellish life. 4. 活字典huo-zi-dian: a walking encyclopedia: She has a lot of knowledge. She's a walking encyclopedia. 5. 鸡飞狗跳ji-fei-gou-tiao: turn upside down: The rumor of layoffs has the office turned upside down. 6. 叽里咕噜ji-li-gu-lu: gabble/ jabber: I don't know what they are gabbling about. 7. 急性子ji-xing-zi: impetuous/ jumping the gun: She is an impetuous person,she never thinks things through. 8. 家常便饭jia-chang-bian-fan: routine/ all in the day's work: Politicians know that dealing with the opposition is all day's work. 9. 家丑jia-chou: family scandle/ the skeleton in the closet/ dirty laundry: Don't air your dirty laundry in public.