some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

some more Chinese expressions rendered into English

2019-05-26    05'43''

主播: Jenny From Taiwan

332 4

1. 借花献佛 jie-hua-xian-fo: share the bounty: My mother sent me some Christmas goodies and I shared the bounty with my co-workers. 2. 街头霸王 Jie-tou-ba-wang: bully/ the head of a gang: He was the head of a gang when he was young. 3. 街头巷尾 jie-tou-xiang-wei: all around town/ all over the place: The rumor has spread all around town. 4. 金饭碗 jin-fan-wan: cushy job: His cushy job affords him a nice lifestyle. 5.津津有味 jin-jin-you-wei: with relish/ with gusto: She eats every meal with great gusto. 6. 今朝有酒今朝醉jin-zhao-you-jiu-jin-zhao-zui: live for today: He lives for today and is unconcerned about what he's going to do with his life. 7. 井底之蛙 jing-di-zhi-wa: a person with tunnel vision: Since he has tunnel vision, you can't expect to have a meaningful discussion with him.