【The Sore Feet Song——Ally Kerr】虫师op非常治愈的一首歌

【The Sore Feet Song——Ally Kerr】虫师op非常治愈的一首歌

2015-11-29    03'04''

主播: 哑巴无言

1678 39

The Sore Feet Song  --Ally Kerr  I walked ten thousand miles, ten thousand miles to see you.  And ever gasp to breath, I grabbed it just to find you.  I climbed up every hill to get to you.  I wandered ancient lands to hold just you.  And every single step of the way, I paid.  Every single night and day I searched for you.  Through sand storms and hazy dawns I reached for you.  I stole ten thousand pounds, ten thousand pounds to see you.  I robbed convenience stores coz I thought they’d make it easier.  I lived off rats and toads and I starved for you.  I fought off giant bears and I killed them too.  And every single step of the way, I paid.  Every single night and day I searched for you.  Through sand storms and hazy dawns I searched for you.  I’m tired and I’m weak but I’m strong for you.  I want to go home but my love gets me through.  中文大意:  我走过千万里的路程,只为了能更接近你一些 捕捉空气中每一丝每一缕你的气息,以此确定你的方位  为了将你拥入怀中  翻越每一座高山,穿行神秘的原始大陆  只是为了你  征途中每一个深深的足迹,都是为找寻你而付出的代价  每一个追寻你的黑夜和白天,都只有孤寂与我相伴  闯过掀起狂砂的风暴,拨开清晨的迷雾,  只为了找到你  不惜强掳钱财无数,抢夺便利商店,  只是为了继续寻找你的征程  哪怕是依靠野鼠和蟾蜍果腹  也无法填饱我对你的渴望  就算是和凶猛的棕熊搏斗,我也会毫不畏惧地夺去它的生命,  没有什么能阻挡我向你靠近的步伐  征途中每一个深深的足迹,都是为找寻你而付出的代价  每一个追寻你的黑夜和白天,都只有孤寂与我相伴  即使疲倦了,虚弱得几乎再也没有一分气力  我也会为你而坚强  时常思乡的愁绪几乎将我吞没  但我的爱,却是我追寻你的动力,永不停息