Phonics Tales 7 Queen Bee's Scream

Phonics Tales 7 Queen Bee's Scream

2019-05-22    18'59''

主播: 粗只的大叶

511 5

今天的第6课,练习 long e这个发音(长音e,美式音标标记方式为i),字母e,位于词尾的y,还有字母组合ea,ee,ie,ei,都可以发出字母e本身字母的读音,文章如下: Meet Queen Bee. Everyone thought Queen Bee was mean because she screamed. "Feed our pet flea!" she screamed at Jean Bee. But Jean Bee buzzed away. "Sweep up these leaves!" she screamed at Lee Bee. But Lee Bee buzzed away. "Weed the bean garden!" she screamed at Sheena Bee. But Sheena Bee buzzed away. "Clean our hive until it gleams!" she screamed at Dee Bee. But Dee Bee buzzed away. "Make some peach tea!" she screamed at Benny Bee. But Benny Bee DID NOT flee. He just made her majesty some tea. "Benny, I need to ask you something!" screamed Queen Bee. "Why do all the bees speed away when I speak?" "I believe the reason is that you scream," squeaked Benny Bee. "I see," said Queen Bee. " I was just using my outdoor voice so all the bees could hear me." From now on, I will speak softly." "Neat!" squeaked Benny Bee. "And there's one more thing: "When you need our help. would you say please?" "That's easy," said Queen Bee. "Please go tell the bees to meet me beneath the tree for a speech." "I will be back before you can count to three," squeaked Benny Bee. "My sweet bees, I am really sorry that I screamed and did not say please," said Queen Bee softly. "Can you each forgive me?" "YES, INDEED!" screamed the bees. "We love you, Queen Bee!" 参考翻译 这是蜜蜂女王。 大家都觉得蜜蜂女王很刻薄,因为她大嚷大叫。 “喂我们的宠物跳蚤!”她对蜜蜂Jean嚷嚷道。 但是蜜蜂Jean嗡嗡的飞走了。 “扫干净这些树叶!”她对蜜蜂Lee嚷嚷道。 但是蜂蜜Lee嗡嗡的飞走了。 “给豆子园除草!”她对蜜蜂Sheena嚷嚷道。 但是蜜蜂Sheena嗡嗡的飞走了。 “把蜂巢擦到铮铮发亮!”她对蜜蜂Dee嚷嚷道。 但是蜜蜂Dee嗡嗡的飞走了。 “泡一些蜜桃茶!”她对蜜蜂Benny嚷嚷道。 但是蜜蜂Dee并没有逃走。他给他的女王大人泡了茶。 “Benny,我想要问你一些事情!”蜜蜂女王嚷嚷道。 “为什么所有的蜜蜂都会在我说话的时候飞走?” “我想原因是你总嚷嚷。”蜜蜂Benny吱吱地说。 “我明白了,”蜜蜂女王说,“我只是用我在屋外的声音,这样蜜蜂们才能听得清。 从现在开始,我会温柔的说话。“ ”太棒了!“蜜蜂Benny吱吱地说。”还有一件事:当你需要我们的帮助的时候,你可以说‘请’吗?“ “那很简单,”蜜蜂女王说。“请告诉蜜蜂们在树下集合,我要演讲。” “我会在你数到三之前回来的!”蜜蜂Benny吱吱地说。 “我亲爱的蜜蜂们,我真的很抱歉我对你们嚷嚷还没有说‘请’,”蜜蜂女王温柔地说。 “你们每个人能原谅我吗?” “我们能,真的!”蜜蜂们大声叫着。 “我们爱你,蜜蜂女王!”