

2015-10-21    16'30''

主播: 龙岩学院广播电台

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Tiffany(在听歌):but I'll be there for you (When the rain starts to pour) I'll be there for you (Like I've been there before)样) I'll be there for you ('Cause you're there for me too) Jane:嗨,tiffany,你在听什么歌呢? Tiffany:Hey,Good afternoon, Jane,good afternoon,.我在听老友记中的主题歌呀,这周我们就来跟同学们聊聊这部剧吧 Jane:好呀,你先给我们简单介绍一下内容吧 Tiffany:Friends is an American sitcom about a group of friends in the area of Manhattan, New York City. It was created by David Crane and Marta Kauffman, and produced by Kevin S. Bright (Warner Bros.), Marta Kauffman and David Crane. The show has been broadcast in dozens of countries and still continues to attract good ratings for its episodes in syndication. The final episode of the show was watched by an estimated US audience of 51.1 million.During the show's 10 year run, it won 7 Emmys (including one for Outstanding Comedy Series), a Golden Globe, 2 SAG Awards, and 56 other various awards with 152 nominations. 老友记是一个美国情景喜剧,纽约市。它最初是从1994到2004的广播,共236集。它是由戴维和考夫曼创建的马尔塔起重机,和凯文S.光明生产(华纳兄弟),马尔塔考夫曼和戴维起重机。已播出节目和几十个国家仍然继续吸引在联合其集良好评级。这个节目的最后一集是由美国估计51100000观众观看了演出。10年的运行过程中,它获得7项艾美奖(其中包括最佳喜剧系列),一个金球奖,2个凹陷,56等奖152项提名。 Jane:Well, I've heard my friends talk about the show, some people read it ten times, it seems that I also want to see the play. Tiffany:《老友记》代表着我们对友情的怀念吧,毕竟朋友不和相伴一生的夫妻一样嘛,可以长长久久,当我们只能在QQ或者博客里了解大家的境况时,总有一些落寞的感觉。看看他们六人其乐融融的样子,总会有一些宽慰,毕竟有的情感,是一辈子都值得珍惜、值得回味的! Jane:看了一期老友记,里面有很多名人谈自己对朋友这一概念的理解,有些谈的真的很好。而就我自己的人生经验来说,对朋友的理解,两个词,equality and respect。 Tiffany:who is friend? Jane:True friendship is the one you think of when you are in trouble, and no matter how difficult it is to stand with you all the time. Tiffany:在家靠父母,在外靠朋友,Friends always help each other understand。 Jane:so,more friends is necessary .多交对你有帮助的朋友,多多益善.说到老友记,tiffany你作为你一英语的忠实粉丝,有什么好看的美剧推荐给大家呢! tiffang:in fact ,我喜欢的大部分是英剧,比如downtown abey,pride and prejudice这些经典的BBC迷你小短剧都是我的最爱。but i do have lots of 美剧to share actually,you konw ,niketa 尼基塔prison break越狱the big band theory 生活大爆炸house of card ,desperate housewives绝望的主妇,etc jane:哇,有这么多好看的美剧如果同学们还有什么好看的美剧可以我们进行互动哦,下期节目再会吧,good bye. 供稿:郑艺云 剪辑:朱迪 播音:刘碧莹、何萱