

2015-12-16    09'48''

主播: 龙岩学院广播电台

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T:Hello,Nice to meet you!欢迎大家收听校园英语广播 I’ m Cheney I’m Tom C:How time flies!我们一起经历了开学典礼,迎新盛会,无良的光棍节,还有以各种口号“搜刮民脂民膏”的双十二购物节,now,Christmas is coming,it means we will have a good time together, we can sing sons,dance and express your wish to others,How wonderful!所以今天我们就来聊聊圣诞节吧,虽然在早期圣诞节也许被说成是洋人的节日,但随着时代的推移,圣诞节已经越来越被中国朋友接受了呢 T:是啊,一起过圣诞已经是一种时尚,in this December.25th,it’s the first Christmas of freshman in our university, C:Maybe it’s the second, third or the fourth Cristmas of senior students,但是无论这是在龙院的第几个圣诞节,But it must be the Christmas that we do it together.每一次都会有心得体验,热情并不会减退一分一毫。 想想就好激动,多美妙的日子。 T:我也很期待圣诞的到来,Whether to be cold or warm,whether you are feeling happy or blue,you are well-being! C:Yeah,because you have right to love and bless others.我就很喜欢在节日里送上祝福给那些我爱的人,现在离家在外学习,我就更明白了彼此祝福,传达思念的意义是什么。 T:So, we should make telephone calls to our parents and give them a burst of happiness.当我们远离家乡,独自在外时,即使是一件简单到极致的事情,只要我们用心在做,家人都能感受到温暖, C:我们确实应该感谢所有为我们付出,给我们幸福的人,so I hope all people cherish the love around.regardless of family,friendship,love, for nobody is obligted to pay for you.一切的爱都来源于发自内心的在乎。 T:I’m quite agree with you. C:除了口头的祝福,你有送别人礼物的习惯吗?when I was young,I share apple and candy with my dear friends, it maybe one of the best delicious food in this world,在那一个小小的苹果中包含的感情是多美好啊,想想就很怀念。 T:Cheney,I must tell you ,in other countries, they never give apples to others. 那各国的圣诞节怎么过 H:Next, we are going to talk about how to celebrate the Christmas in different countries.As you know:Christmas is a religious festival, it’s a day we celebrate as the birthday of jesus,圣诞节它是一个宗教节日,它是耶稣的生日,你们还不知道吧。 圣诞节中,最受欢迎的是圣诞老人,santa,大家都知道啊,小孩子在枕头旁边放上一只袜子,then,santa will put the present into the soak,there are many presents in the soaks,yeah(happy) T:I’m so excited when I got the present from santa C:Now, let’s go and have a look what do people usually do at Christmas.我们来看看其他国家是怎么庆祝圣诞节的吧 在荷兰人们赠送圣诞礼物往往出人意料,你知道吗,他们把礼物藏在布丁或羊肠里,How strange! H:I think it’s gross. H:英国人,British ,你们可不要鄙视腐国美食,虽然腐国的黑暗料理很多,如何过一个原汁原味的英国圣诞,我们应该吃点什么呢?Christmas pudding,太有名了,只有英国人才吃的圣诞甜点,就算你不吃家长也会逼你吃的,如果圣诞不吃Christmas pudding,就和过年不吃饺子一样! T:Wow,that’s so interesting! T:第二个是更加大名鼎鼎的Mince pie(肉馅),但没办法把它译成肉馅饼,因为这只是打着肉馅的幌子哦,里面根本没肉,只是甜品。 H:it’s said that it’s santa’s favorite dessert,吃第一块的时候还要许个愿。 T:不过,Mince pie 还是有人不喜欢的,因为它长得太像五仁月饼了,哈哈哈。 C:还有一个是苏格兰人民的甜点Dundee cake,哎呀,就是水果蛋糕,蛋糕上铺满了杏仁,可好吃了! T:说完这些美食,我都要垂涎三尺了,你们是不是也有样的感觉呢, H:如果你想要了解更多关于圣诞的详情,就请关注龙岩学院广播电台,与我们联系,我们会及时给你回复的。 C:另外,我们电台的圣诞点歌活动也在如火如荼的筹办中,你可以点你喜欢的歌,送给重要的人。小伙伴们,心动不如行动,快快来哦! T:那么这期节目到这里我们就要和大家说再见了,我们下期再回,See you later. 播音:刘碧莹 何萱 陈倩雯 赵恩泽 罗相宇 供稿:何雪明 剪辑:刘庆