【Hello English】小李子与奥斯卡相爱相杀的那些年

【Hello English】小李子与奥斯卡相爱相杀的那些年

2016-03-09    10'05''

主播: 龙岩学院广播电台

64 4

Hello,dear,long time no see,I miss you so much ,it’s time to Hello English project,if you have miss our priject,It must be ! Welcome to listen to our projict. I’m Tom I’m Cheney T:Cheney,how about your holiday at home ,do you know what happened with me? C:My holiday was so ,so,so hot,I could hardly felt I was alive,这还是我第一次看见雪,好美啊,我还堆了雪人呢,我给你看照片好不好,现在就给你看!(迫不及待的语气) T:看你还是看雪人啊,you are so fat,the snowman in your hug,but I can just see your kirin arm(麒麟臂),该减肥了,胖Cheney! C:Wht?(惊奇的语气),那请问Tom,在你这样已经没有体重上升空间的宝宝身上,过完个年,你摇身一变成杨贵妃啊,体重用吨计量够吗, is it enough?(哈哈哈) T:I don’t care . ar,This year is a fortune year,my sister married,my anut moved to her new house.and I win the lottery,haha,how wonderful.(升调,速度越来越快) C:(上一句说完马上抢过来说,表示很激动)The most exciting new to us is that our idol Leonardo DiCaprio finally won the OSCAR statuette,I feel proud of him. T:Me too,陪跑了几届的奥斯卡奖,终于让他如愿以偿的拿下了小金人,给他和奥斯卡相爱相杀的二十多年谱写了心得篇章,the prize was support to belong to his horour,it is a satisfactory result. C:right,自从小李子拿下奥斯卡以来,就有了微博热, there are many friends like us all cheered,then change the name of microblog,大家都改成了小李子奥斯卡影帝,或者奥斯卡小李子宝宝,还有的是请叫我小李子一样的少年,interesting! T:Humorous',now,you imagine everyone’s reaction after Leo winning the prize.绝对火爆。 T:I see,he become the real king of moviestar,all the fans are satisfied and happy,but the shame is that he is a perfect buterball(胖子),not as cool as before. C:nothing serious,just appearance,如果我们对他是真爱管他小李子变得再老再丑再胖我们也真爱如初。 说到真爱,那就不得不提起国外的支持他的朋友们,你知道当他们在电视上看到小李子拿下了奥斯卡他们的反应吗,那简直是 brought a delirious crowd to their feet, They were capering about, shouting and laughing, crowing with delight,someone even burned out their toys in hand to honor the special time.not crazy?现在连线一段音频让听众朋友感受一下国外朋友热情的尖叫声。(插一段音频) T:I am shocked by the fans,很多时候过程比结果更重要,粉丝永远比本人更激动。 Time to share movie: C:In fact ,before the Oscar,his movie has got thousands of prize,可以说小李子拿奖真是拿到手软啊,但这一切人家都不care,所以人家才能成就经典。要不现在就让我和听众朋友们讨论一下小李子的电影啊,看看经典都长什么样的。 I believe you are unable to hold yourself back,(我相信你们已经迫不及待了)。 ar,such as 盗梦空间, in this movie,he act as a specoal dream maker,he can enter others dream freely,and stole the important confidential, then rebuild the dream,the fantasy index is 9(奇幻指数可达九颗星) T:No one ignorant of the Titanic around the world,this is a beaytiful love story,rose and jack在号称“永不沉没”的Titanic面临沉船的命运,他们的爱情也经受着生死的考验,最终不得不永世相隔,这段哀恸天地的爱情之后,那串价值连城的项链“海洋之心”沉入海底,它陪着杰克和这段爱情长眠海底。 C:as for 猫鼠游戏,don’t believe it is a cartoon movie,it actually is a contest between Leo and kaer in the detective session;and another movie禁闭岛,it told a story that a federal detective Asked to investigate a murder mechanism on an island, he  therefore in all sorts of danger, Encounter all kinds of mystery, 这两部电影无疑是极具刺激与激情的经典例子。 T:In the end ,I want to introduce Two films in the background of war,one is血钻,the other is 被解救的姜戈。The former is based on the civil war , Leo act As the diamond smuggling business.(饰演一个不法之徒做钻石走私生意) ,everything changed after he met a repoter,finally he comprehened the truth of life and love;the latter tells the story of Some efforts to save his wife.  C:介绍了这么多影视界的经典,但这些都不是小李子这次获奖的真正作品,让他成为king的作品是《荒野猎人》,The feature of this drama is Leo talked with everyone in his heart, let us understand him, not language 在华尔街之狼里小李说了太多的话,而在这部为他量身定做的冲奥片中他基本没什么台词。贝爷和“与狼共舞”灵魂附体,拼命三郎小李活脱一个野人,开启地狱模式的复仇史诗。We have to admit,although he had never got Oscar before,he did not play bad, 他确实是一个灵魂演员! C:Gorgeous words:(华丽丽的词语) John:大写的John 指的是约翰,而小写的john指的是厕所,so,you can’t say Leo like killing time at john’s,(小李子喜欢在厕所打发时间) Jack-leg:if you tell me you are a jack-leg,you know little about it,I will say you know a lot about it T:Super funny little story: I Have His Ear in My Pocket Ivan came home with a bloody nose and his mother asked, "What happened?" "A kid bit me," replied Ivan. "Would you recognize him if you saw him again?" asked his mother. "I'd know him any where," said Ivan. "I have his ear in my pocket." (他的耳朵在我衣兜里 伊凡鼻子流着血回到家里。他妈妈问,“发生了什么事?” “一个男孩咬了我一口,”伊凡说。 “再见到他你能认出来吗?”妈妈问。 “他走到哪里我都能认出他,”伊凡说。“他的耳朵还在我衣兜里呢。”) C:听了这么久我们的节目,亲爱的你们是不是还觉得不够呢,别急,baby,一起来欣赏一首英文歌吧,这首Dark Horse(katy perry,juicy J)送给你们。 T:亲爱的听众朋友们,这期节目就要接近尾声了,希望大家喜欢我们的节目,如果大家有好看的电影或者其他的热点话题想和我们讨论,可以多收听我们的节目,我们诚挚邀请大家一起参与讨论:如果有好听的英文歌曲,记得和我们分享哦,好了,那今天到这咯,亲爱的我们下期再会!