【Hello English】谢谢舍友不杀之恩

【Hello English】谢谢舍友不杀之恩

2016-04-27    10'31''

主播: 龙岩学院广播电台

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Hello English栏目2016第八期 (柔和的音乐) 独白:we can’t control the circumstance of our lives,but we can always control what we do with what we learn from them.人生轨迹的决定权完全子啊自己手中。 (音乐) C:Tom,I felt so sad about the recent news ,I hardly could believe that is true,a roomate is so terrible. T:I have head it,it is a hot news,其实我也十分不解,作为一个高校大学生竟有如低的觉悟,竟然能对生命如此亵渎。 C:they live in the same room,if the affection between each other is so weak?50多刀都刺在一个舍友身上,他怎能下如此狠手? T:I don’t think the problem is the weak affection,but the character of himself,maybe he has great pressure,or he is always close himslif in his world,他和身边的人缺少交流,所以才有如此不健全的人格。 C:maybe you are right,actually,we have met so much example like this,in the past few years,马加爵,药家鑫,上海研究生投毒案,it had given us the bitter lesson and make us had profounf reflection.这些频频发生的危险真的提醒我们要学会自我防范了。 T:I also think it’s important to protect ourselves,ei,Cheney,how about your affection with roomates?girl’s relationship is very delicate,you should be careful. C:Tom,我的事就不劳你费心了,I think my roomate are normal,they are very kind,I’m safe,as for you,一副欠揍的嘴脸,you must be cautious! T:I full of a sense of justice,ok?although you are safe now,I still want to tell some ways to other classmates. C:what are they? T:if you want help yourself,you should behave your behavior first,当你和一个不太了解的人说话时最好注意你的措辞,don’t be rude. C:I see,it a habit of a fair lady like me .I’m alwanys very gentle and polite.what else? T:dou’t affect others,respect others,especially someone is sleeping,try to reduce your DB,要学会想别人之所想,己所不欲,勿施于人。respect is the most important,never laugh at others. C:ok,I will do it,in fact,as a girl,I hate talking about others,however,I also hate others to judge me,so,I think we had better do not use your mind to kidnap other people’s behavior. T:em.非常赞同,in short,we need to do yourself,keep a good habit in daily life,don’t give people the chance to hate yourself. C:Tom,you have good habit?are you sure?I really hate you now,look at my eyes,感受到了我对你深深的厌恶了吗, T:why,I respect you,I’m gentle and polite,you should be satisfied with your perfect partener. C:perfect?look,you sit on my skirt,这是你第13次坐到我的裙角了,而且我同学可都说了,我的搭档就是一个不断移动的圆柱体,you must lose weight,I really worried about your safe and health, T:no no no, you think too much,I have no any healthy issue. 倒是你啊,take exercise often,strengthen your body,when you met the problem, you can run fast. C:I will take some time to do exercise,但是如果你再继续嫌弃我,我就把你卖到跳蚤市场去。 T:you are crazy. (插入音乐,间歇) C:Tom,in order to avoid becoming a person like those,we must have a solid friendship,anything that you do can’t tarnish the relationshipand who is loyal and who is honest basically. T:yeah,of course,we can also make friends with our parents,they really are there,angd they are glad to listen and talk to the kid .没有一个人是可以独立在这个世界上的,如果他永远只封闭在自己的世界里,不愿与人倾诉,他是不会快乐的。 Belles-lettres sharing: (插入美文音频,音频自带背景音乐) (音频内容We can’t control the circumstance of our lives,but we can always control what we do with what we learn from them.the decision is ours and ours alone. You are not powerless to impact your destiny and what kind of a life you will have.what you base it on has more to do with what you believe about yourself than what anyone else believes about you.then you can be true to yourself. One of the greatest challenges you will have in life will bw to bw yourself,no matter what happens around you. There are people whose lives will never be the same because of you,you will never know who some of these people are.you also may never know how many people care about you and how your life turns out,you may never know how many people believe in you and will never give up on you. You have more power than you can possibly imagine,think you can’t change the world?you already have !it was changed for the better the minute you were born, your very presence makes an impact and a difference to many people。) Brain twisters:(脑筋急转弯) (答案下期公布) 1.What will you break once you say it?(什么东西说出来就碎了) Key:silence(沉默) 2.how many legs do horses have?(马有几条腿) Key:six legs—forlegs(four legs) in front and two in back.(有六条腿,前面有前腿,后面有两条腿) 3.what clothing is always sad?(什么衣服总是伤感的) Key:blue jeans(蓝色牛仔裤) C:答案下期会公布哦,感兴趣的话就要做我们节目的死忠粉!let’s enjoy a good song,世界无乐(yue)不欢! T:may every day of your life bring you fresh hopes for tomorrow—because hopes give us all our reason for trying.愿我们的思想每天都充满阳光。 C:may you remember the good times ,and it will remind you of how special life has been.愿我们在平凡小事中觅得平和心境。 T:这期节目就要结束了,希望大家真的能够让自己的思想每天都充满阳光,大家都希望这个世界更加美好。无论你是谁,你都要明白自己的价值,你要知道有多少人在关心你,对你充满信任,并且对你永不放弃, C: 所以善待最真实的自己,也善待他人,we share the life together. 下期再会,byebye.