【Hello English】come

【Hello English】come

2016-05-18    09'29''

主播: 龙岩学院广播电台

146 3

Hello English 栏目2016 第九期 C:(独白,用舒缓一些的音乐)Just go on,don’t have to stay and collect flowers to preserve,because along the way,the flowers will continue to open.(尽管走下去,不必逗留着去采鲜花来保存,因为这一路上,花,自然会继续开放。) C:How time flies,we grow up everyday,so we become mature,we can realize the importance of living a meaningful life gradually,人生总得为一些有意义的事而坚持,it is may 18th today,距离高考20天,让我们把时光轴调回一年前的此刻,看看那时的自己吧。 (轻柔音乐) T:we went back to may 18th.2015 with our clear memories,we were young,we had deams in our deep heart,那个阶段的我们每一个人都不一样,但又都一样。 C:我明白你的意思,everyone has different ways to study and different ambitions,but our attitude is positive,we all try our best to finish the task.不,准确的说在我们高三党的心里,学习不再是单纯的任务,而是不由自主赋予自身的使命。 T:yeah,you are right,our study life in senior twelfth grade was plenary,aspirant and memorable. C:yes,I think so,Tom,do you remember some of our teachers often say,such as:两眼一睁,开始竞争。My teacher always ask me to do so;there are some others:不苦不累,高三无味,不拼不博,等于白活。It seems like magic words, T:if you are depressd,it encourage you and give you power,is it right. C:yes,you know me well.不愧是一年的搭档了。 T:想想以前的宣誓,那些豪言壮语真的给了我们很多力量,every time we are going to give it up,just think about why you have come there.as long as you stick it out,you will meet the luckiness. C:其实艰苦的高三大概是每个人都要经历的阶段,this is a fortune in life, although tired and touch,whose life without this period is half-baked. T:you would play basketball after finish a lot of work,maybe it can plied up a half meters high,你可能放弃了你最爱的韩剧,you save the time for learning,你可能把生活过的特别简单,但是请相信一切都是值得的,your pay will be rewarded. C:all right,in the last 20 days,you should take care of yourself,要改变战术了,学弟学妹们,don’t be too late to sleep,现在要恢复体力,准备全力迎接高考啦。 T:这个建议是完全正确的,keep healthy,keep positive attitude,don’t think too much about the result,you needn’t have much pressure.只要过程尽力了,结果就不那么重要了,all the seniors will cheer for you. C:after the college entrance examinantion ,you will be blessed,you will free,you can do everything you like,你甚至可以大胆的对你喜欢的男生女生告白了。 T:就像电影青春派里说的,a boy called juran(居然) had a comfessions of her goddess.you can also do this:“泰戈尔说:沉默是一种美德。但在喜欢的人面前沉默便是懦弱。”某某某同学,I like everything about you,I love you. C:it’s romantic,Tom,but.....你是在教坏学弟学妹吗, T:no,in fact,you know my purpose,just encouraging,in high school,they have no holiday,no hobbies,and no entertainment.他们需要释放的快乐。 C:这叫做诱导吗?we give our best wishes to all the students who need to take the college entrance exam,we believe all of them will have a good result. T:破釜沉舟,拼他个日出日落;背水一战,干他个无怨无悔。Come on,junior students. C:share a speech(everything is possible) T:like the junior studens,our program also confront some challenges,准确说是机遇和挑战,这档栏目一直在成长,I hope more people are glad to listen it ,it doesn’t like a child,let’s enjoy an English song.这是我喜欢的歌,你能产生共鸣吗?(音乐) C:oh,it’s time to say goodbye,maybe this episode isn’t exciting,but it express our wishes to junior students.作为学姐学长的我们都对即将高考的小鲜肉们很关心对吧,希望全国考生都能听到这期节目里的最后一句话:如果矢志不渝的你们见不到花开,那么花儿为谁绽放? T:那这期节目就是这样了,希望大家喜欢,咱们下期再会,不听不散!