【Hello English】军训

【Hello English】军训

2016-06-15    10'39''

主播: 龙岩学院广播电台

97 3

Hello English J:How time flies,this term is going to be finished,so,所以就意味着咱们这学期的节目又要接近尾声了。And you can’t hear our program for 2 months.I don’t know if you will miss us,但是我们肯定很想你们啦。 T:别感伤了,还不知道这次的生死劫能不能过得去呢!I know you must sadder than me,now,you are a fat,white pig,maybe after the June,you will be a brown pig.HAHA..... J:什么生死劫我才不怕,洪荒之力来了我都不怕。Are you scaring me ? T:No,I’m telling you the truth,傻孩子,军训就要来了,你难道忘了吗,苦逼的大一新生。 J:咱都快变成老生了,竟然还军训。Oh,Don’t pull me into the reality,I’m making a dream,in fact.I’m really hate military training!(军训) T:Nobody want to accept the decision,but nothing can we do just do it.勇敢的接受阳光的洗礼吧!(很享受的语气) J:Tom,你看着好享受啊,你也是军训狗之一,这样出去容易被!人!打! T:well,well,说点有用的,we can’t avoid military training,but we can take measures to protect ourselves from the burning sun,er...er...这个具体的还是J你来解说,欢迎欢迎。 J:我还以为你能说出什么高品质的措施来呢,关键时刻还得我出马。Hello,boys and girls(突然一本正经),this is the live broadcast of self protection of military training,I will show you some measures.(音乐) J:first,protect your skin,特别是女生们,要记得擦防晒霜哦。建议日产的效果更好哦,实际上美国的水宝宝还有其他的一些美国的防晒产品并不是很适合我们。男生涂不涂无所谓啦,Especially some boys like Tom,皮太厚,多脱几层也是nothing serious! T:对对对,we don’t use sunscreen,but water is also useful,the more salted water you drink,the better you are,姑娘们还是多喝盐水吧,比防晒霜管用。 J:Tom,我很好奇你平时穿什么材质的袜子耶... T:丝袜!But I’m just kidding,don’t take it seriously. J:of course,I know,you aren’t a newhalf(娘炮)。 T:so,why you ask me this question? J:I just want to tell you wear the cotton sock,然后在鞋子里垫个软软的鞋垫,or you will feel terrible with your feet.I really no consideration for myself but you . T:You are a liar.but I don’t care,听说你最近在减肥啊,don’t treat yourself badly,军训期间多吃点肉,蛋类,you’d better have some soup,and more Vitamin. J:Ok,I see,thank you for your reminding.没想到你也是暖男啊! T:货真价实的暖男,在此请允许我插播个广告:下学期听到我们节目的学妹们,要找暖男就来找我,I must be the best senior,so cool,so kind! J:the military training doesn’t begin,but you are abnormal,what you need to say isn’t a advertisement,你应该恳求学长学姐别抱着西瓜去看我们,看着我们那么暖和,他们太凉爽,我就担心,担心他们感冒! T:关爱学妹,从我做起,we can do like this next year. (音乐) J:Tom,where are you going to do during the summer holiday? T:I not sure,maybe make money,maybe travel,也可能会去支教或者做一些其他有意义的事。 J:quite good,其实无论干什么,只要觉得没有荒废人生就够了。 T:we are a part of society,we are responsible to the world ,we are young,we have power to do more,希望每个同学的暑假都被充分利用,做些有意义的事,让自己和他人都快乐。 (音乐) J:军训狗别怕别晒黑,不管怎样,你本来就很美,接下来跟大家分享一首黑人歌手的音乐,天籁之音,值的聆听! T:这期节目马上就要结束了,这个学期的节目也就结束了,谢谢大家一直以来的支持,是你们让这个节目更有动力去做的更好,未来有你们的陪伴,咱们节目会不断成长。 J:希望所有同学们会有一个愉快的暑假,当然,暑假之前,先好好准备考试哦,You will pass the exam,to speak the word to yourself everyday. T:大一的军训狗们要记得我们的温馨提示哦,顺利度过军训,来年早些回来给学弟学妹打扫卫生。 J:那这期节目就是这样咯,咱们下学期不听不散哦,拜拜。