

2016-05-24    07'31''

主播: 非文斐

1984 53

Who can tell me if we have heaven 谁能说出,我们是否拥有天堂 who can say the way it should be 谁能说出,它该如何来形容 Moonlight holly, the Sappho Comet 月笼冬青,莎莩飞逝 Angel's tears below a tree 天使泣于树下 You talk of the break of morning 你说在破晓时分 as you view the new aurora 晨光初升之中 Cloud in crimson, the key of heaven 云层绯红,仿佛天堂之钥 one love carved in acajou 仿佛腰果树上爱意之铭 ………… One told me of China Roses 有人向我提及月季 One a Thousand nights and one night 提及一千零一夜 Earth's last picture, the end of evening 大地晚景, 长夜尽头 hue of indigo and blue 呈现靛蓝斑斓 A new moon leads me to 新月引领 woods of dreams and I follow 梦境之林在我前方 A new world waits for me 新的世界等待着我 my dream, my way 我的梦想,我的路向 I know that if I have heaven 我知道若真拥有天堂 there is nothing to desire 还有什么值得向往 Rain and river, a world of wonder 细雨长河,陆离境地 may be paradise to me. 于我好比乐土一方 ………… I see the sun 晨晖照耀 I see the stars 繁星点点