

2022-10-20    07'17''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

204 2

【句子】I'm gonna start you on nitrazepam. That should do the trick. 【Desperate Housewives S02E02】 【发音】/aɪm/ /ˈgə.nə/ /ˈgɑː.nə/ /stɑː(r)t/ /juː/ /ɒn/ /ɑːn/ /naɪˈtræzɪpæm/ /ðæt/ /ʃʊd/ /duː/ /ðə/ /trɪk/ 【发音技巧】start you音的同化;That should do不完全爆破+失去爆破; 【翻译】我先给你开些安定吧。这样应该会管用。 【适用场合】 今天要讲解的第一个短语:start sb. on是什么意思呢? to instruct, cause, or compel someone to begin a treatment of some kind for an illness, injury, or ailment 指导、让、强迫某个人开始一种针对某种疾病、受伤的治疗; eg: The doctor started me on antibiotics. 那位医生给我开了一些抗生素。 eg: They're starting me on physical therapy next week to help my leg rebuild some of its muscle mass. 他们让我下周开始物理治疗,帮助我的腿重建肌肉群。 eg: I'm going to start you on a round of antibiotics. If you don't start feeling better in a few days, give me a call. 我给你开一轮抗生素,如果你几天之后没有好转,给我打电话。 今天我们要来学习的第二个短语是: do the trick,这个短语的意思比较好猜,就是 “有用、起到作用;奏效;获得成功”; to do, accomplish, or fulfil exactly what is needed or sought after eg: The recipe calls for pancetta, but I think this regular bacon should do the trick. 这个菜单要求用意大利咸肉,但是我觉得这种普通培根应该也能行。 eg: The movie's plot, such as it is, won't go on to win any awards, but the gory special effects will do the trick for any fans of the horror genre. 这电影的情节,也就这么回事儿吧,获奖是没戏了,但是其中的血淋淋的特效,对于恐怖电影迷来说,倒是会挺合胃口。 最后这个句子,我们口语角群里一位Grace同学是这样翻译的: 这个电影情节一般,无望斩获任何奖项,但凭其血腥特效则将收割大波恐怖影片粉丝的好评。 这个翻译版本也是很棒,末尾的“粉丝”还可以改成 “拥趸”。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 I turned it off and back on, and that did the trick.