

2023-08-18    05'09''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

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【句子】Tad is...great, and I know I was giving you a hard time. 【ModernFamilyS3E14】 【发音】/tæd/ /ɪz/ /greɪt/ /ənd/ /aɪ/ /nəʊ/ /aɪ/ /wɒz/ /wɑːz/ /gɪvɪŋ/ /juː/ /ə/ /hɑː(r)d/ /taɪm/ 【发音技巧】Tad is连读;and I连读;hard time失去爆破; 【翻译】泰德是个大好人。我知道,我之前有些为难你。 【适用场合】 今天学习一个短语:give sb. a hard time。 这个短语可以表示“让某个人不好过;为难某个人”; to treat someone harshly and make things difficult for them eg: I think I've done a good job at work, but the boss keeps giving me a hard time—I don't think he likes me very much. 我觉得我在工作上做得挺好,但是老板一直为难我,我觉得他不咋喜欢我。 eg: Stop giving the interns such a hard time! They're doing the best they can. 别这么为难那些实习生了,他们已经尽力了。 eg: Ever since I started working here, she’s been shouting at me and giving me a hard time. 自从我在这里工作以来,她就一直对我大喊大叫,各种为难我。 eg: They really gave me a hard time at the interview. 在那次面试的时候,他们真的是为难我了。 在那次面试的时候,他们找茬针对我。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 They gave him a hard time about quitting the team.