

2023-09-27    06'03''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

326 1

【句子】Cameron and Mitchell: We should... Phil: Jinx. 【ModernFamilyS3E15】 【发音】/wiː/ /ʃʊd/ /dʒɪŋks/ 【发音技巧】暂无; 【翻译】-- 我们要…… -- 别说! 【适用场合】 今天我们来学习这个很有意思的词:jinx; 在英文中,这个词跟小孩子们玩的一个游戏有关系。如果俩人在同一时间说了同样的话,这个时候,就应该说一下jinx,一般认为说jinx说得早的那个人就是赢了,而说得晚的那一个会被认为是输了,输了的会倒霉。什么时候可以解除霉运呢,直到未来的另外一轮游戏中赢了为止。有些时候晚说jinx的那个需要给早说jinx的那个小伙伴买瓶可乐作为小小的惩罚。 A game where two people try to be the first to shout "Jinx!" immediately after both people accidentally say the same word at the exact same time in a conversation. The person who says "jinx" first wins, and the loser is either branded unlucky until they win another round in the future, or in some cases, is expected to buy the winner a can or bottle of Coca-Cola. 今天Mitchell和Cameron也是一样的情况,他俩同一时间说了同样的话。 所以Phil很俏皮地说了:Jinx! 在英文中,jinx也可以被用来指:“厄运”或者“能够带来厄运的人/物”; bad luck, or a person or thing that is believed to bring bad luck: eg: There's a jinx on this computer - it's gone wrong three times this morning! 这电脑真邪乎,一早晨坏了三次了! eg: I'm convinced there's a jinx on this car. 我确信这辆车会给人带来厄运。 eg: He was beginning to think he was a jinx. 他开始觉得自己是个灾星。 eg: There seems to be a jinx on that family. 那个家庭似乎一直被厄运围绕着。 说到这个单词,我们再学一个相关的表达: Don’t jinx it! 这句话可以理解成“别乌鸦嘴!” 大家有过这种经历吗? 你刚说完“我好久没感冒了”结果就感冒了。 其实英文中也有类似的场景。 eg: A: I haven't caught a cold for six months. “我已经半年没感冒了。” B: Hey, don't jinx it! “嘿,别乌鸦嘴!” A: Okay. I won't talk about it. “好啦,好啦,我不提。” 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 He felt like he'd finally broken the jinx.