

2020-07-08    06'52''

主播: 英语老师瑶瑶

2026 16

【句子】You’re dead meat. 【Friends-S2E4】 【发音】[jɔ:(r)] [ded] [mi:t] 【发音技巧】dead meat不完全失去爆破; 【翻译】你死定了。 【适用场合】 You’re dead meat. 你死定了。 1. 之前的节目我们讲过“你死定了” 可以说:You’re a dead man. 可以翻一下之前的节目,在第10期讲过。 当时原话是:You should both know that he’s a dead man. 其实这里的这些表达都可以互换。 eg: If my brother catches us messing with his stuff, we'll be dead meat! 如果我哥哥/弟弟发现我们乱动他的东西,我们就死定了! eg: If you don't do exactly as I say, you are dead meat! 如果你不按照我说的做,那你死定了。 2. 日常生活中dead meat 除了上面这层意思以外,还可以理解为某件事在未来没有成功的几率。 If someone says that a person is dead meat, they mean that the person has no chance of succeeding in the future. eg: If she can't get the votes, she's dead meat. 如果她拿不到那些选票,那她将没有胜出的可能。 Whip it out! 今天视频中的意思是:快拿出来秀一秀,给我们看看。 whip 这个单词大家名词词性的意思会比较熟悉,可以用来指:鞭子; 动词可以指抽打; 比如说烘焙的时候,whip the cream打发奶油; whip out可以表示突然拿出来什么东西,通常还带那么点洋洋得意,炫耀的意思 to take something out and present it with great alacrity or flourish. eg: I was going to pay but before I knew it he'd whipped out his credit card. 正当我正准备买单的时候,他却已早早掏出信用卡。 eg: No sooner had I mentioned that I was looking for a car to buy than she had whipped her business card out of her pocket for me to take. 我刚说完我打算买辆车,她就很快从口袋里掏出一张名片递给我。 在口语中还可以用来表示: 匆忙之中产出某物/创造某物,通常来说都是写……; to produce or create something very rapidly eg: I whipped a message out to my mother about next weekend, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet. 我匆忙给我妈妈发了一条消息告诉她我下个周末的安排,但是她还没有回我消息呢。 当然了whip out这个短语还有其他的意思,各位同学下去也可以再了解看看。 【尝试翻译以下句子,并留言在文章留言区】 He's been whipping out new books so quickly that, unless you're a diehard fan of the series, it can be hard to keep up.