

2020-10-01    21'28''

主播: 陆小雯echo

387 0

As the U.S. continues to grapple with the novel coronavirus pandemic, another infectious respiratory disease is already looming: influenza. Flu season typically begins around November in the northern hemisphere, and the combined burden of the illness and COVID-19 could overwhelm hospitals and testing sites. The good news is that a safe and effective flu vaccine is already available to everyone aged six months and older. 参考翻译:随着美国继续与新型冠状病毒大流行作斗争,另一种传染性呼吸道疾病也已悄然而至:流感。在北半球,流感季节通常在11月左右开始,流感和COVID-19的综合疾病负担可能会让医院和检测点不堪重负。好消息是,6个月以上的人都可以接种安全有效的流感疫苗。 “The answer to the question ‘Why should you get a flu vaccine?’ is the same this year as it is every year. But there are some additional reasons why it’s extra beneficial to get [it] this year,” says Emily Landon. She explains that influenza can have dire consequences ranging from loss of productivity to death. “You should do everything you can to prevent the flu, and the shot is the best way we can do that,” Landon says. In addition to protecting yourself, a flu shot also helps protect other family members who may be more vulnerable to respiratory disease, she notes. 参考翻译:对于“为什么要接种流感疫苗?”这一问题的答案一如既往的雷同。但仍有些额外理由可以解释为何接种流感疫苗会有额外收益,”艾米丽·兰登说。她解释道,流感会造成极其严重的后果,从丧失生产力到导致死亡,都有可能。兰登说:“你应该尽己所能预防流感,而注射(流感疫苗)是上策。”她指出,除了保护自己,接种流感疫苗还有助于保护家庭其他成员,他们可能更容易感染呼吸道疾病。 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that in the 2018–2019 season, some 35.5 million Americans came down with the flu and that about 34,000 of them died from it. Flu shots prevented another 4.4 million cases and about 3,500 deaths. In 2020 vaccinating as many people as possible against influenza could be critical to preventing a dual-epidemic scenario. But getting a flu shot is good policy in any year, experts say. 参考翻译:美国疾病控制和预防中心估计,在2018-2019流感流行期,大约3550万美国人感染了流感,其中大约3万4000人死于流感。流感疫苗避免了440万病例,约3500人免于死亡。到2020年,为尽可能多的人接种流感疫苗可能对防止疫情双重流行至关重要。但是专家说,接种流感疫苗在任何一年其实都是上策。