

2020-03-06    02'13''

主播: 卡卡课堂

1990 15

职场打拼多年的你,从初出茅庐的职场小仙女,到现在能驾驭各方的全能女王,如果回顾你一路走来的职场历程,你会对当初的自己说些什么呢?国外的网友在Twitter上发帖:我的职场女性朋友:如果你给初入职场的自己一些建议,你会说些什么呢? To To my working women friends: If you could give your younger working self any advice, what would you say? 我的职场女性朋友:如果你给初入职场的自己一些建议,你会说些什么呢? 今天我们分享几个回复中的精华帖,相信不管是你刚刚步入职场或是打拼多年,一定会有所感触,有所收获。 Don’t take everything so personally. Also, it’s ok if not everyone likes you. 不要觉得事事都针对你。还有,如果不是每个人都喜欢你,也没关系。 You know better than your parents what career path is best for you. 你比你父母更清楚什么样的职业道路最适合你。 Do not put your entire self-worth in the hands of one person aka your boss. Build relationships with people all over your company and most importantly in OTHER companies and industries so your network becomes your superpower. Also build an external personal brand. 不要把你的全部自我价值都交到一个人手里,也就是你的老板。与你公司的所有人建立关系,最重要的是与其他公司和行业的人建立关系,这样你的人脉就会成为你的实力。同时建立一个在公司之外的个人品牌。 Stick with bosses who are mentors, and leave if they're not. Mentors will advocate for your success (which will help them succeed), and welcome your continued success even if/after you move on. 跟随着能做你人生导师的老板,否则就离开。导师会支持你的成功(这将帮助他们成功),并欢迎你的持续成功,即使你不再跟随他/她。