

2020-09-01    02'06''

主播: 良声英语

2029 17

Young Souls 年轻的灵魂啊 背景:音小天 - 天蝎座的宁静 朗读:美式发音 There will always be Young Souls that can’t reform 这时间总会有些无法改头换面的灵魂 Tossed into life's storm 在命运里沉浮动荡 They'll try their sails 时刻准备起航 Before they will be forewarned 却对远方不了于胸 When the going comes and just won’t let you be 等到一切来临却不如所愿 How is it that you see 而你看到了什么 What will enslave you? what will set you free? 何事将你束缚于命运,何事又放你于自由之世 Give it all away again, playing for today 再将它弃于远方吧,活在当下 Got to go away my friend, throw it all away 即将远行,我的朋友,抛之远方 Leaving everything, moving to another town 将一切抛之于身后 抵达另一小镇 Willing to play the clown 宁愿扮作乡间野夫 Forgetting that each up 忘记曾经的峥嵘岁月 Will have a down 迎来人生不尽如意 Packing a case and carrying my guitar 拾掇好一切 背起吉他 Look up and see how far 抬眼望去,路有多远 Away up in the sky there hangs a star 天空笼罩的尽头,星儿时驰 There will always be some folks that can’t agree 总有那些人们与你相背 With the majority 那些大多数的 About what is real and what is fantasy 何事是事实,何事是虚妄 There will always be them folks that will never reform 总会有那些人们,永远无法改头换面 Tossed into Life's storm 在命运里沉浮动荡 They'll tear their sails before they will conform 却在适于动荡前 在旅途中撕裂帆桅 Throw it all away again, playing for today 将一切抛之远方,活在当下 Got to go away my friend, throw it all away 即将远行,我的朋友,抛之远方 Throw it all away 抛之远方