美文朗读 l 给想要放弃时的你

美文朗读 l 给想要放弃时的你

2016-06-18    05'15''

主播: Sean Freeman

152 7

文章中有任何不明白的语言点欢迎留言,第一时间为你解答,共勉吧! 新浪微博搜索SeanFreeman 免费观看最新daily blah视频,还有更多口语冷知识福利不定期放送。 You will always want to quit There’s nothing you could ever do, nothing you could work on, no dream you could chase that would stop you from wanting to quit. Sooner or later, everyone wants to throw in the towel and walk away. You will always want to quit, because you’re not perfect. Wanting to quit doesn’t make you a bad person, and it doesn’t make you special. When you wake up in the morning, and you think about how running your startup, or you think about writing, it’s okay to wish you could just drop the ball. In fact, I’d be worried if you never experienced that. Wanting to quit is an incredibly human reaction, and it means you’re still in touch with the most vulnerable parts of yourself, the parts that feel anxious and frustrated, and tired. You will always want to quit, because you can feel everything. That’s good news. Because it means you’re also still able to feel hope, excitement and the absolute thrill of making shit that people care about. I wanted to quit 3 times this week. In fact, on Monday afternoon, I had absolutely decided to stop writing for good. I was set on it. And then I took a bath and drank some Chai and ate an entire bowl of double chocolate ice cream. And calmed down. You will always want to quit, because you get lost in your own head and heart. Wanting to quit just means you still have doubts about yourself. That’s a good thing. That means we can probably share a beer. I think we have an idea that if we just achieve a certain number of things, or reach one point that we’ve had our sights on, we’ll stop wanting to quit. We’ll be so sold on what we’re doing, and so invested in it, that giving up won’t even enter into our consciousness. I don’t believe that’s true. I believe you always have a little part of you that dreams of quitting and walking away. If you ask people who are honest with themselves, they’ll bear that out. I’m sure every writer, every entrepreneur, every painter in the history of the world has wanted to quit, even at the height of their success. I’ve read all those articles about what the top 10 richest / smartest / sexiest / artsiest people in the world have in common — and I’m pretty sure most of those listicles are bullshit. The only thing thing they had in common is that at some point they all wanted to quit and they didn’t. I can say this with complete certainty, because that’s what success always involves — persevering when you don’t fucking wanna. You’ll always dream about quitting. If you’re an extreme person — like I am — you might even dream of faking your death so you can quit everything at once and start again on another continent with a new identity. But wanting to quit doesn’t mean anything cosmic, and it doesn’t make you bad at what you do. It makes you human. I like humans. I hang out with a lot of them. They make good brunch buddies.