033 大智慧

033 大智慧

2016-12-05    01'50''

主播: 贤航😻

69 1

愿此分享,为你带来内心宁静; 愿你努力,日积月累学好英文。 《你真正的家》是在国际上享有盛名的越南禅师释一行的作品,全书由365篇小短文组成,用诗一般的语言,描述对生命的洞见,把深奥的佛法讲得浅显易懂,让我们从平凡当中去体验生命的美。阅读这本书,会让你感受到内心的宁静,回到心灵的家。幸福快乐,就这么简单;学习英语,就这么惬意。 无限感恩慈悲智慧的释一行禅师! 33 The Great Insight THIS IS THE GREAT insight of Mahayana Buddhism: everyone can become a buddha. What Siddhartha achieved, all of us can also achieve, whether we are a man or a woman, no matter what social class or ethnic group we were born into, or whether we practice as a monastic or as a layperson. We all have the capacity to become a fully enlightened buddha. And while on the path to becoming a fully enlightened buddha, we are all bodhisattvas. 涉及“敏感信息”,无法上传中文翻译。 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~
上一期: 032 变化不息
下一期: 怎样学习语法?