

2018-06-10    04'30''

主播: 🌵 雷叔大迷踪

488 7

应该叫Vic还是十一呢?不重要了,这样一个任性地优缺点同样多的人!不说了吧,在另一端继续放纵吧、好听吧、耍帅吧。。。。。。 Just as we take the train to go to Tarascon or Rouen, we take death to go to a star. What’s certainly true in this argument is that while alive, we cannot go to a star, any more than once dead we’d be able to take the train. So it seems to me not impossible that cholera, the stone, consumption, cancer are celestial means of locomotion, just as steamboats, omnibuses and the railway are terrestrial ones. 正如我们坐火车去塔拉斯孔或鲁昂,我们乘上死亡而到达星星之上。无法改变的事实是,活着的我们无法到星星上去,如同死了便赶不上火车一般。所以对我而言,霍乱、乱石、肺痨、癌症像是天国的运输工具;亦如蒸汽船、小巴、火车是人世间的运输工具。