

2019-01-20    06'47''

主播: 沉思中……

189 0

And he's sticks the landing. 并且 他粘在地上 [完美落地--体操用语] What? Dumb-dumb, she's not even here. 什么? 傻了吧 她甚至不在这儿[根本没下来] No mortal's gonna jump into the realm of mon... 没有人能跳到 怪兽王国... Well.... She's dead. 好了, 她死(定)了 Okay, let's get my hook. 好了 我们去拿[找]我的钩子 Maui's fish hook. Yeah! Maui的鱼钩 是啊 Sorry! I thought you're a monster, 抱歉 我以为你是个怪兽呢 But I found your hook! And you're right this Tamatoa really likes his treasure. You stay! 不过我找到你的钩子了 并且你说得对 这个Tamatoa的确很喜欢他的宝贝 你(老实)待着 What? No! I... I'm the one who found... Listen... 什么?不! 我...我是那一个 人 找到了... 听着 For a thousand years I've only been thinking of keeping this hair silky, 一千年来 我只想保持这个发型[不盘结] Getting my hook, and being awesome again. 拿着我的钩子,再次变得棒极了。 [找回我的鱼钩 然后东山再起] And it's not getting screwed up by a mortal who has no business Inside of a monster's cave except... 它不会搞砸的 被一个凡人 那个 Except... Maybe as bait. Huh? 除非... 可以做诱饵 啊? Wow! The shiny glittery cave and just like me. 哇! 闪闪发光的洞穴 就像我一样 It is covered in sparkly treasure. 它被闪闪发光的宝藏所覆盖 [到处都是闪闪发光的宝贝] Sparkle, sparkle, Sparkle. You're not selling it. 闪呀 闪呀 闪呀 你不是在卖它[你的演技真是太差了] This is stupid! I'm just gonna walk up and get it. 这太蠢了!我(要)直接走上去拿! You go up there, he will kill you. 你上去,他会杀了你。 Just stick to the plan. 坚持计划 就行了。 Oh, when he shows up, keep him distracted. 等他出现了 让他分心[缠住他] Make him talk about himself. 让他谈谈自己 He loves bragging about how great he is! 他喜欢吹嘘自己有多伟大! You two must get along as well! 你们俩必须相处得很好! [你们俩应该合得来] No. Not since I ripped off his leg. 不, 没有了 自从我扯断了他的腿 [在我扯断他的腿之前的确是的] You ripped off his le... Maui? 你扯断了他的... Maui What have we here? 我们这儿 有什么? [看我找到了什么] It's a sparkly, shiny... Wait a minute... 是个闪闪发光的... 等等... Oh, it's a human! 是个人呢 What are you doing down here in the realm of the mons... 你干什么 在这 怪兽王国… Just pick an eye, babe. I can't... I can't concentrate on what I'm saying if you keep... 只挑一个眼睛[看着我的一个眼睛], 宝贝 我不能... 我不能专注于我说的话 Yep, pick one, pick one! 挑一个,挑一个! You're a funny looking little thing, aren't you? 你是个有意思的小玩意儿, 不是吗? Don't! That's my grandma's. 不要(碰)!那是我奶奶的. That's my grandma's, I ate my grandma! “那是我奶奶的”, 我吃了我的奶奶. And it took a week 'cause she was absolutely humongous. 那花了(我)一周(时间) 因为她实在是太大了 Why are you here? 为什么你在这里? [你在这里做什么?] 'Cause you're amazing! 因为你太棒了! [我很崇拜你] And we mortals, have heard of the tale of the crab who became a legend! 我们凡人,都听说过那个故事 那只成为传奇的螃蟹! [我们人类都知道海底有一只 很了不起的大螃蟹] And I just had to know how you being so crab oulous? 所以我只是想知道 你是怎么变得这么 了不起的? Are you just trying to get me to talk about myself? 你只是想让我谈谈我自己吗? [你就想让我讲讲我自己的故事吗?] Because if you are... I will gladly do so. 因为如果你是… 我很乐意这样做。 In song form! 以歌曲的形式! [让我唱给你听] Well, Tamatoa hasn't always been this glam. 好吧,Tamatoa并不是一直都是这样。 [我不是一直那么出众与美丽] I was a drab little crab once.. 我曾经是一只单调的小螃蟹[小蟹一只] Now I know, I can be happy as a clam. 现在我知道了,我可以像蛤蜊一样快乐。 [我明白蛤蜊都可以很开心] Because I'm beautiful, baby. 因为我很漂亮,宝贝。 Did your granny say listen to your heart. 你奶奶说要听你的心吗? [古老的一句 相信你自己] Be who you are on the inside. 做你内心的那个人。 [只要闪亮 不靠外表] I need three words to tear her argument a part. 我需要三个词 把她的论点撕成碎片 [我用三个词可以推翻这论据] Your granny lied. 你的 奶奶 撒谎 I'd rather be shiny like a treasure from a sunken pirate wreck. 我宁愿像沉船上的财宝一样闪闪发光 [我宁愿要闪亮 就像沉没海底海盗的宝藏] Scrub the deck and make it look shiny. 擦亮甲板 就让它闪亮 I will sparkle like a wealthy woman's neck 就像珠宝挂在贵妇的身上 Just a sec, don't you know? 让我来告诉你 Fish are dumb, dumb, dumb They chase anything that glitters 小鱼很愚蠢 看见闪亮的就追逐 Beginners. Oh, and here they come, come, come. To the brightest thing that glitters. 初级班 噢 看他们游过来 向最闪亮的我追逐 Mmm, fish dinners. I just love free food. And you look like seafood 我的晚餐 这免费大餐 你是海洋大餐 No! Hey! Crab cake. 不! 大蟹饼 I'm back! 我回来了 It's Maui time! Maui登场了 What do you say, little buddy. 想看点什么 伙计 Giant hawk? Coming up! 巨鹰?如你所愿 Well, well, well.... Little Maui's having trouble with his look. Maui 你小子不是会变形的吗 You little semi-demi-mini-god. 这是什么假冒迷你神 Ouch! What a terrible performance. Get the hook! Get it? 哎呀 你的表现太差劲了 振作点行吗 You don't swing it like you used to, man. 你的法术已经失灵了 Yet I have to give you credit for my start. 我全新的开始你也有功劳 And your tattoos on the outside. 还有你漂亮的纹身 For just like you I made myself a work of art. 跟你一样 我让自己更有魅力 I'll never hide, I can't. 藏不住 因为我太闪亮 I'm too shiny! Watch me dazzle like a diamond in the rough. 看我闪闪发亮像钻石那样 Strut my stuff, my stuff is so shiny. 看我全身是如此闪亮 Send your armies but they'll never be enough. 再多军队 我也不会觉得多 My shell's too tough, Maui man. 我的外壳好坚强 You could try, try, try... 你能试一试 But you can't expect a demigod. To beat a decapod. 可是讨价还价太麻烦 这样子太麻烦 Look it up! 对不对 You will die, die, die. Now it's time for me to take apart. 生命到尽头现在我要撕开小心脏 Your aching heart. 你的那颗 Far from the ones who abandoned you. 你以为自己很重要 Chasing the love of these humans. 把所有的爱付出 Who made you feel wanted. You try to be tough. 人类他们把你抛弃 你装作坚强 But your armour's just not hard enough. 但你的内心其实很柔软 Maui! Now it's time to kick your hiney. Maui 现在我要把你收拾 Ever seen someone so shiny? 没有谁比我更闪亮 Soak it in cause it's the last you'll ever see. 没有关系 最后机会再看一次 C'est la vie mon ami, I'm so shiny! 我就是注定那么的闪亮 Now I'll eat you so prepare your final plea. Just for me. 在我吃掉你之前 你想不想 求求我 You'll never be quite as shiny 你才不会如此闪亮 You wish you were nice and shiny 你只是善良 不闪亮 Hey! 嘿 I got something shiny for you. 我有个宝贝给你 The heart of Te Fiti. Te Fiti之心 You can't run from me. 你跑不了了 Oh, you can? 跑吧 You keep surprising me. 你总能给我惊喜 It's only so far you can get on these two little legs. 不过就你那两条细腿也跑不了多远 The power of creation! For a crustacean! 创造生命的法力 就要属于我了 Where is it? Where is it? 它在哪儿? We gotta go! 我们快走 Well, what about the heart. 那颗心怎么办 He can have it. 留给他好了 I've got a better one. 我还有一颗更好的 Yes, I have the ... Wait a minute. 我找到了 等等 I see she's taken a barnacle 她在贝壳上涂了 And she's covered it in bioluminescent algae. As a diversion. 发光海藻 想要分散我的 注意力 Come back here! 给我回来 Hey! Hey! 嘿 Did you like the song? 你们喜欢我唱的歌吗?