

2019-02-01    06'34''

主播: 沉思中……

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We're alive! We're ali... 我们还活着! 我们还活... Listen, I appreciate what you did down there. Took guts. 听着, 我很感激你在那里所做的一切[在海底救了我] 带着勇气[你很勇敢] But... I'm sorry. 但是... 我很抱歉 I'm tryin' to be sincere for once, and it feels like you're distracted. 我试着对你真诚一次,感觉你心烦意乱 [我在跟你说真心话 可你好像并没有认真听] No, no, no way! 不,不,不可能! Really? 'Cause you're looking at me like I have a ... shark head. 真的吗?因为你看着我就像我有一个... 鲨鱼头 Do you have a shark head? 'Cause I... Look ... 你有个鲨鱼头吗? 因为我... 看... The point is ... for a little girl, child thing, whatever who had no business being down there. 重点是 对于一个小女孩,孩子之类的东西,不管是谁都不想去那里。 [你只是个小女孩 小不点儿 总之 你本可以置身事外] You did me a solid. 你帮了我一个大忙 But you also almost died. 但是你也差点就死了 And I couldn't even beat that dumb crab! 我甚至连那只蠢螃蟹都打不过! So chances of beating Te Ka, Bupkis. 所以打败Te Ka的机会, 没有![简直是做梦] We're never making it to Te Fiti. 我们永远不会去Te Fiti. This mission is cursed. 这个任务被诅咒了 It's not cursed. 不能放弃 Shark head. It is not cursed! 鲨鱼头 绝对不能放弃 Cursed. 放弃吧 What can I say, except we're dead soon. 我只能跟你们说 我们死定了 We're dead soon. 我们死定了 Can you at least try? 你就不能再试试吗 Giant hawk. 巨鹰 Hey, it's okay, it's okay. We're dead soon. All right, breaktime's over. 没关系 我们死定了 好了 休息时间结束 Get up! Why? 快起来 为什么? You're gonna give me a speech 你又要长篇大论了 Tell me I could beat Te Ka 'cause I'm "Maui"? 告诉我我能打败Te Ka 因为我是Maui Take a hike, tiny. 给我走开 小人 How do you get your tattoo's? 你这些刺青是怎么来的? They show up when I earn them. 我每做一件事刺青就会多一块 How'd you earn that one? 那块儿是怎么来的? What's that for? 上面讲的是什么? That's a man's discovery of Nanya. 那是我帮人类发现了Nanya What's Nanya? Nanya是什么? None ya business. 就是不关你事 I'll just keep asking. 你不说我就一直问 What's it for? 它是怎么来的? You need to stop doing that. 收起你的破桨 Back off! Just tell me what it is?! 走开 告诉我它是怎么来的 I said back off. 我说了走开 Is it why your hook's not working? 是不是因为它 你的鱼钩才没了法力? You don't wanna talk. Don't talk. 如果你不想说 那就别说了 You wanna throw me off the boat. Throw me off. 如果你想把我扔下船 那就扔吧 You wanna tell me, I don't know what I'm doing? I know I don't. 你想说我根本不知道自己在干什么 你说的没错 I have no idea why the ocean chose me. 我也不知道大海为什么会选择我 You're right. 你说得对 But my island is dying. 但是 我的小岛正在消亡 So I am here. 我必须冒险 It's just me and you. 现在只剩下我和你 And I want to help. 我想帮你 But I can't if you don't let me. 可你不愿意让我帮你 I wasn't born a demigod. 我并不是天生的半神 I had human parents. 我的父母都是凡人 They... They took one look and... and decided they did not want me. 他们 他们只是看了一眼 就决定要把我扔掉 They threw me under the sea. 他们把我丢到了海里 Like I was nothing. 就像什么事也没发生一样 Somehow I was found by the Gods. 不知怎么地 天神们发现了我 They gave me the hook. 还给了我这根鱼钩法杖 They made me... Maui. 是他们让我成为了Maui And back to the humans I went. 之后我回到了人类当中 I gave them islands, fire, coconuts! Anything they could ever want. 为他们带去了海岛、火种、椰子 他们要什么我就给什么 You took the heart for them. 你为他们拿了那颗心 You did everything for them. 为他们做任何事 So they'd loved you. 只希望能讨好他们 It was never enough. 可他们永远都不满足 Maybe the Gods found you for a reason. 也许天神发现你是有原因的 Maybe the ocean brought you to them. 也许是大海把你带到了他们面前 Because it saw someone who is worthy of being saved. 因为它觉得你命不该绝 But the Gods aren't the ones who make you Maui. You are. 但是让你成为Maui的并不是天神 而是你自己 Okay, okay. 好了 I... I love you too, buddy. 我也爱你 伙计 Next stop, Te Fiti. 下一站 Te Fiti岛 What? I figured it out 看什么? 我知道了 You know the ocean used to love when I pulled up islands. 其实大海让我拉来那些岛屿 'Cause your ancestors would sail our seas. Find them! 是为了让你的祖先们在航海时发现它们 All those new lands, new villages... 然后在岛上建立村庄 It was the water that connected them all. 所有的岛屿和村庄都因为大海而连在一起 And if I were the ocean I think I'd be looking for a... Curly haired, non-princess. 如果我是大海 我也会选择一个 卷发的酋长女儿 To start that again. 让一切都从头开始 That is literaly the nicest thing You've ever said to me. 你从来没有对我说过 这么感人的话呢 Probably should've saved it for Te Fiti. 也许你应该等到了Te Fiti岛再说 I did. 已经到了 Moana of Motunui. Motunui岛的Moana I believe. You have officially delivered Maui across the great sea. 我想你 已经成功地带着Maui 跨越了整片大海 Moana! Moana! Moana! You're so amazing! 你好伟大 It's time. 时间到了 Go, save the world. 去拯救世界吧 Maui! What... What are you doing? 你在干什么? Finding you a better way in! 找一个更合适的入口 - We won't make it! - Yes, we will! 我们过不去的-过得去 - Turn around! - No! 快掉头-不 - Moana, stop! - No! 停下 - 不 Are you okay? 你还好吧? Maui? I told you to turn back. 我说了掉头 I thought we could make it. We? I thought I could make it. 我觉得我们能过得去 我们 我觉得我能过得去 We can fix it! 我们可以修好它 It was made by the Gods. 鱼钩法杖是天神做的 You can't fix it! 你不可能修得好 Next time we'll be more careful. 下次小心一点就好了 Te Ka was stuck on the barrier islands. Te Ka只能待在障壁岛上 It's lava! 它是熔岩做的 It can't go in the water. 不能碰水 We can find a way around. 我们可以绕路过去 I'm not going back. 我不会再去了 What... We still have to restore the heart. 什么 我们还得把那颗心放回去呢 My hook is cracked. One more hit and it's over. 我的鱼钩已经裂了 再被击中一次 它就彻底毁了 Maui, you have to restore the heart. 你必须归还Te Fiti之心 Without my hook, I am nothing. 没有鱼钩法杖 我什么都做不了 That's not true. 不是那样的 Without my hook, I am nothing! 没有鱼钩法杖 我什么都做不了 We're only here because you stole the heart in the first place. 我们走到今天这一步 都是因为你当初偷了这颗心 No, we're here because the ocean told you You're special and you believed it, 不 这一切都是因为大海说你 与众不同 而你也就当了真 I am Moana of Motunui. You will board my boat. Goodbye, Moana. 我是Motunui岛的Moana 快上船 我要带你 再见了 Moana Sail across the sea... I'm not killing myself so you can prove you're something you're not! ...and restore the heart of Te Fiti! 跨越整片大海... 我不能为了证明自己 而搭上我的性命 ...归还Te Fiti之心 The Ocean chose me! 大海选择了我 They chose wrong. 它选错了人 Maui! Why did you bring me here? 为什么要带我来这里 I'm not the right person. 你选错了人 You have to choose someone else. 去找个更合适的人吧 Choose someone else! Please! 找个更合适的人 求你了 No. 不