

2019-02-02    05'22''

主播: 沉思中……

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You'd be a hero. 你会成为大英雄的 That's what you're all about, right? 那才是你应该做的事情对吧 Little girl, I am a hero. 小姑娘 我已经是大英雄了 Maybe you were but now... now you're just the guy who stole the heart of Te Fiti. 可能你过去是 但现在... 现在你就是那个偷走了Te Fiti之心的男孩子 The guy who cursed the world! 那个 让世界陷入灾难的 男孩子 You're no one's hero. No one? 你已经不是英雄了 不是吗? But, put this back, Save the world, You'd be everyone's hero. 但是 如果你把这个放回去 你就拯救了全世界 就会成为所有人的英雄 Maui! Maui! Maui! You're so amazing! Maui 你好伟大 We'd never make it without my hook. Not pass Te Ka. 没有鱼钩 我们到不了Te Fiti岛 因为我们不是Te Ka的对手 Then we get your hook. 那就先去找你的鱼钩 We get you hook, take out Te Ka. Restore the heart. 找到鱼钩 打败Te Ka 最后归还Te Fiti之心 Unless you don't wanna be Maui demigod of the Wind and Sea hero to all. 除非你不想做回 从前的Maui 那个主宰风和海的半神 所有人的大英雄 First, we get my hook. Then save the world. 首先我们去找鱼钩 然后拯救全世界 Deal? Deal. 成交? 成交 Worth a shot. 就是想再试试 Okay, we go east. To the lair of Tamatoa. 好吧 我们往东走 去螃蟹怪的巢穴 If anyone has my hook, it's that beady-eyed bottom feeder. 我的鱼钩肯定被那个眼尖的食底泥动物捡到了 Teach me to sail. 教我驾船吧 My job is to deliver Maui across the great ocean. 我的任务就是带你漂洋过海 I should... I should be sailing. 所以我 我应该来驾船 It's called Wayfinding, Princess. 这叫寻路 小公主 And it's not just sails and knots. 寻路可不像驾船那么简单 It's seeing where you're going in your mind. 你不仅要知道目的地在哪儿 Knowing where you are. By knowing where you've been. 还要清楚当前的位置 和已经走过的地方 Okay, first, I'm not a princess. I'm the daughter of the chief. 好吧 不过我可不是什么公主 我是酋长的女儿 Same difference. No. 没什么区别 有区别 If you wear a dress, and you have an animal sidekick. You're a Princess. 如果你穿条裙子 再带只小宠物 你就是公主了 You're not a wayfinder. You will never be a wayfinder. You will never be a way... 所以你不是寻路人 也永远不会成为寻路人 你不可能成为寻路 Really? Blow dart in my butt cheek. 不会吧 拿我的屁股当靶子 You are a bad person. 真是个小混蛋 If you can talk, you can teach. Wayfinding. 你只要能讲话 就能教我 寻路法则 Lesson one. Hit it! 第一课 开始吧 Pull the sheet. Not the sheet. 拉帆脚索 不是那根 No. Nope! Nope! No. Tried that one already. 不对 不对 不对 不对 那根你已经试过了 You're measuring the stars. Not giving the sky a high five. 我让你做的是观星 不是和空气击掌 If the current's warm, you're going the right way. 如果洋流是温暖的 就说明你的航向没错 It's cold. Wait, it's getting warmer. 是冷的 等等 现在变热了 That is disgusting! What is wrong with you?! 太恶心了 你是故意的 We're here? 我们到了 See? Told you I can do it! 看到了吧 都说了我能行的 Motunui. I'm home? Motunui 我又回来了 Moana! Dad? Moana! Mom? Moana 爸爸 Moana 妈妈 Help! 救命 No! Moana! 不! Enjoying your beauty rest? 美容觉睡得还好吧? You know, a real wayfinder, never sleeps. 要知道真正的寻路人从不睡觉 So they actually get where they need to go. 这样才能不偏离航线 Muscle up buttercup! We're here. 打起精神来 小不点儿 我们到了 You sure this guy's gonna have your hook? 你确定你的鱼钩在他手里 Tamatoa? Oh, he'll have it. 螃蟹怪 我确定 He's a scavenger. 他就是个海底清道夫 Collects stuff, things that makes him look cool. 什么东西都要捡 还以为那样会很酷 And for Tamatoa? Trust me, my hook is the coolest collectible. 而且对于螃蟹怪来说 我的鱼钩肯定是最酷的收藏品 And he lives up there? 他住在那上面? Oh, no, no, no... That's just the entrance To a Lalotai. 不 不 那里只是一个入口 通往Lalotai Lalotai? Realm of Monsters?! Lalotai? 怪兽王国? We're going to the Realm of Monsters? 所以我们要去怪兽王国? We? No. Me. 我们? 不 我自己去 You are gonna stay here with the other chicken. 你就跟另外一只鸡一起待在这里 That's what I'm talking about, give me some! 明白我的意思吧 来击个掌 Come on, that was a good one, how do you not get it? 来嘛 我说得多好啊 你没听明白 I called her a chicken, there's a chicken on the boat. 我是说她是个胆小鬼 就跟船上的那只鸡一样 I know she's human! But that's not the... You know what? 我知道她是个人 但那可不是 Forget it, forget it! I'm not explaining it to you. 算了吧 别管它了 我不想跟你解释 What? 'Cause then it's not funny. 什么? 说明白就不好笑了啊 So... Daughter of the chief. I thought you stayed in the village. 听着 酋长的女儿 我觉得你应该待在村子里 You know, kissing babies and things. 哄哄小孩 做做家务什么的 Hey, I'm just trying to understand Why your people decided to send... 我只是不太理解 为什么你的族人要让... How do I phrase this? You! 该怎么说呢 来冒险 My people... Didn't send me. The ocean did. 我的族人 他们没让我来 让我来的是大海 The ocean? Makes sense! You're what? Eight? Can't sail? Obvious choice. 大海?好吧 选了一个不会开船的 小不点儿 真够明智的 It chose me for a reason. 它选择了我 自有它的原因 If the ocean's so smart why didn't it just take the heart back to Te Fiti itself, Or bring me my hook? 如果大海够聪明的话 它为什么不直接把Te Fiti之心送回去呢 或者帮我找回鱼钩 The ocean's straight up pooky dooks! 大海真是 狗屎! But I'm sure it's not wrong about you. 不过它选择你应该没错 You're the chosen one. 你可是天之骄子 The ocean chose you for a reason. 大海选择你肯定有它的理由 If you start singing, I'm gonna throw up. 如果你要唱歌的话 我真的会吐的 So, not seeing entrance. 我没看到什么入口 Yes, because it only appears after a human sacrifice. 因为只有拿人献祭以后 入口才会出现 Kidding! Ha-ha-ha-- So serious! 开玩笑的 哈哈哈 真没幽默感 Don't worry. It's a lot farther down than it looks. 不用担心 它比看起来要深得多 I am still falling! 我还在降落 You can do this. Go! 你能做到的 跳