

2019-02-02    05'17''

主播: 沉思中……

202 1

You're a long ways past the reef. 你离礁岛[家]很远了 Grandma? 奶奶? Guess I chose the right tattoo. 我想我选择了正确的纹身[黄貂鱼]。 Grandma! 奶奶 I tried, grandma. I... I couldn't do it. 我试过了 奶奶, 我...我做不到. It's not your fault. 这不是你的错 I never should've put so much on your shoulders. 我不该在你肩上放那么多东西 [我不该让你一个人承担这么多] If you are ready to go home. I will be with you. 如果你准备回家的话, 我会和你一起的 Why do you hesitate? I don't know. 你为什么犹豫? 我不知道。 I know a girl from an island. 我认识一个小岛上的女孩 She stands apart from the crowd. 她站在人群之外 She loves the sea and her people. 她热爱大海和她的人民 She makes her whole family proud. 她使她全家都感到骄傲 Sometimes the world seems against you. 有时世界似乎和你作对 The journey may leave a scar. 旅途中可能会留下一个伤疤 But scars can heal and reveal Just where you are. 但是伤疤可以愈合并显示出来 在你的所在 [但伤疤却见证了 你的成长] The people you love will change you. 你爱的人会改变你 The things you have learned will guide you. 你所学的知识会指引你 And nothing on earth can silence. 世上没有任何东西可以沉默 [没有什么能阻止你] The quiet voice still inside you. 那个安静的声音仍然在你的内心 And when that voice starts to whisper 当那声音开始低语[轻轻地问] Moana, you've come so far. 你来的太远了 [你已成长了这么多] Moana listen. 听 Do you know who you are? 你知道 你是谁吗? Who am I? 我是谁? I am a girl who loves my island. 我是一个 爱我的岛的女孩 [我就是我 热爱着小岛] I'm the girl who loves the sea. 我就是那个喜欢大海的女孩 [这海洋给我生命] It calls me... 它召唤我... I am the daughter of the village chief. 我是酋长的女儿 We are descended from voyagers. 我们是航海家的后裔 [我们的祖先越洋万里] Who found their way across the world. 他们在世界各地找到了自己的路 They call me ... 他们召唤我... I've delivered us to where we are. 我已经 把我们送到 我们现在的地方了 I have journeyed farther. 我已经走得更远了 [我的旅途漫长] I am everything I've learned and more. Still it calls me. 我是我所学到的一切。它仍在呼唤我 And the call isn't out there at all. It's inside me. 那个召唤根本不在外面, 它在我里面[心里] It's like the tide always falling and rising. 就像潮水总是涨落 [像潮水涨退循环的交替] I will carry you here in my heart. You remind me. 我会把你带到我的心里。 你提醒了我 That come what may. I know the way! 路有多难 勇敢面对 I AM MOANA! 我是Moana I am Moana of Motunui. Aboard my boat, I will sail across the sea. And restore the heart of Te Fiti. 我是Motunui岛的Moana 快上船 我要带你跨越整片大海 归还Te Fiti之心 Te Ka can't follow us into the water. Te Ka不可能下到水里 We'll make it pass the barrier islands. 我们可以穿过障壁岛 We'll make it to Te Fiti. 然后抵达Te Fiti None of which you understand. Because you are a chicken. 可惜你什么都听不懂 因为你只是一只鸡 No! 不 Hei-hei! No, no, no, no, no! 憨憨 不 Nice work! 干得漂亮 Te Fiti! Maui! You came back. 你回来了 But your hook. One more hit, and ... 但你的鱼钩 再被击中一次就 Te Ka's gotta catch me first. Te Ka得先抓到我才行 I got your back, chosen one. 我来掩护你 小英雄 Go, save the world. 去拯救世界吧 Maui. Thank you. 谢谢你 You're welcome. 不用谢 Hey... Te Ka! 嘿 Te Ka Shark head. 鲨鱼头 Moana! Get the heart to the spiral! 把那颗心放进漩涡里 Te Fiti. It's gone. 消失了 TE KA!! Let her come to me. 让她过来吧 I have crossed the horizon to find you. 走过千山与万水追寻你 I know your name. 我了解你 They have stolen the heart from inside you. 他们偷走你心底的自己 But this does not define you. 却不能够定义你 This is not who you are. 这不是真的你 You know who you are... 你是谁 你决定 Who you trully are. 谁才是真正的你 Te Fiti. The chicken lives. 小笨鸡还活着呢 I'm sorry about your hook. 很抱歉毁了你的鱼钩 Well, hook, no hook, I'm Maui. 其实 不管有没有鱼钩 我都是Maui Te Fiti! How you've been? 你最近好吗? Look, what I did was wrong. 好吧 都是我的错 I have no excuse. 我真的很抱歉 I'm sorry. 对不起 You know, it'd be rude to refuse a gift from a Goddess. 要知道拒绝女神给的礼物可不礼貌 Thank you. Your kind gesture is deeply appreciated. 谢谢 你的宽宏大量让我不胜感激 Gonna miss you, drumstick. 我会想你的 小笨鸡 You could come with us, you know. 你可以跟我们一起走 My people are going to need a master wayfinder. 我的族人们需要寻路高手的指点 They already have one. 他们已经有一位了 See you out there, Maui. 那就再见了 Maui See you out there, Moana... 那就再见吧 Moana Mom! Dad! Moana! 妈妈 爸爸 Moana I may have gone a little ways past the reef. 我可能离家稍微远了点 It suits you. 这才是你 - She's back! - Moana! 她回来了-Moana Pua! Moana! We set a course to find... A brand new island everywhere we roam. 定好了目的地 每一次出行找寻新天地 We keep our island in our mind. And when it's time to find home, We know the way 家乡的模样放心里 时间到了就回家 千山万水 Aue, Aue. We are explorers reading every sign. 我们去探索每一个符号 We tell the stories of our elders in a never ending chain. 这里有我们的祖先 古老的故事与传承 We know the way.... 千山万水