Young Sheldon S01E01[02]-张家瑞20190621

Young Sheldon S01E01[02]-张家瑞20190621

2019-06-22    06'01''

主播: 沉思中……

174 1

? Onward, Christian soldiers ? ? 前进吧 基督教的士兵 ? ? Marching as to war ? ? 向战场前进 ? ? With the cross of Jesus ? ? 带着耶稣的十字 ? ? Going on before. ? ? 向前进 ? In Matthew nine, verse four, Jesus said, 在《马太福音》第九章第四节 耶稣说 Why would you entertain evil thoughts in your hearts? 你们为什么心里怀着恶念呢 Do you have evil thoughts? 你(的心里)有恶念吗 I just don't think this part applies to me. 我只是 不觉得 这部分适用于我 That's fine. Be quiet and listen. 没关系 安静听讲(就行了) I'm only nine years old. Most evil doesn't start till puberty. 我才九岁 大多数恶念要到青春期才开始(产生) Hello. 您好 Do you have evil thoughts? 你有恶念吗 I'm having one right now. 现在就有一个 Really? What is it? 真的吗 是什么 When we get home, I'm gonna kick your little balls. 等我们回到家 我要踢你的小球球[蛋蛋] You can't. They haven't descended yet. 你踢不了 它们还没下来(垂入阴囊) Mom? What? 妈 怎么 When should I be expecting my testicles? 我应该什么时候期待我的睾丸[垂下来] What is wrong with him? 他有什么毛病 Nothin' is wrong with him. 他(才)没有毛病 Now, turn around before I knock your lights out. 现在 转回去 在我揍你的眼睛出来 之前 ...think continually on these things. 不停地想这些东西 A good thought leads to a good thing. 善念能导致好事发生 You feel it in your body. You feel it in your... 你能在体内感到 你能在... My mom was my Christian soldier. 我的妈妈就是我的基督教士兵 And for the record, they descended when I was 15. 据记载 他们落(入阴囊) 当我15岁的时候 [正常应该在出生至一岁前从腹腔落入阴囊] Shelly, it's your last day of summer. 这是你暑假最后一天了 Go out and enjoy it. 快出去玩儿吧 But I have to learn the student handbook. 但我得学习学生手册啊 Ooh, did you know extreme hairstyles, goatees and mustaches are not allowed? 你知道特殊发型 山羊胡与小胡子都是不允许的吗 I didn't. 我不知道 I personally find that very reassuring. 这规定让我个人感到安心许多 Look what a beautiful day it is. 看看这多么风光明媚的一天 Go play. 去玩吧 Go play? if only life were that simple. 去玩 人生只是这么简单(就好了) There, I played. 好 我玩过了 Hey, Sheldon! Hello, Billy Sparks. 你好啊 Billy Sparks Hello, Matilda Sparks. 你好 Matilda Sparks I heard you're going to high school tomorrow. 我听说 你要去上高中啦 明天 I am. 是啊 You're going to have to find someone else to torment on the playground. 你得另找一个人去折磨了 在游乐场 Torment? 是什么意思 It means to maliciously harass. 意思是恶意骚扰 Herass? That's funny. [Her ass 她的屁股] 真好笑 Well, this was nice. 这很好 [跟你聊天挺愉快] Hey, doofus! [doofus 蠢人; 笨蛋] Mom! 妈 - Good girl. - Mom! -乖女孩 妈 What am I supposed to do? His feet are growing. 我能怎么办 他脚也在长大 Why can't he wear Georgie's old shoes? 为什么不能让他穿George的旧鞋 He won't hold your hand. 他连手都不愿意跟他牵 You think he's gonna put his feet in his brother's smelly shoes? 你觉得他会愿意把脚 塞进他哥哥的臭鞋里吗 Well, we damn well better cut back somewhere. 我们他妈的 最好 省出钱 找地方 Will you please keep your voice down? 你能不能小声点 They're fighting about you again. 他们又在为你吵架 They're fighting about money. 他们是为钱吵架 It's a common argument in marriages. 这是婚姻中常见的争吵话题 Lights out. Big day tomorrow. 熄灯(睡觉)啦 明天是大日子 Mom? Do we have financial problems? 妈妈 我们家有经济问题吗 Don't you worry about that. We are fine. 这事不用你担心 我们没事 Now, go to sleep. 快睡觉 She's lying. 她在说谎 She just said that to make you feel better. 她是为了安慰你才这么说 Mom doesn't lie. 妈妈才不说谎 Sure, she thinks the Earth was made in six days, 的确 她相信地球是上帝花六天做成 but that's 'cause she's gullible, not a liar. 但她只是好骗 而不是个骗子 Mom, 妈妈 Sheldon can't find his bowtie. Sheldon找不到他的领结 Really? I laid it out for him. 真的吗 我帮他把衣服都摆好了啊 Leave it alone, Mary. He doesn't need a bowtie. 别管他 Mary 他不需要领结 It's his first day of school. Let him wear what he wants. 这是他第一天上高中 他想穿什么就让他穿 Mom, I can't find my bowtie! 妈 我找不到我的领结 Dear Lord, why's he got to wear a bowtie? 老天爷啊 他为什么要戴领结 Can I drive in with you? Sure. 我能坐你的车去上学吗 可以 Everybody's gonna know he's your brother. 大家都会知道他是你弟弟 It's gonna be awful for you. 你要难受了 Tell her to shut up. 让她闭嘴 She's not wrong. 她说的也没错 It's got to be here. It's not. It's not! 绝对在这里 不在 真的不在 Shelly, stay calm. We'll find it. 冷静 我们会找到的 My tie is gone! My tie is gone! 我的领结不见啦 我的领结 Shelly, you don't really need a tie. 你其实不需要戴领结 I have to find my tie. I have to find my tie. 我必须得找到它 我一定要找到领结 Be right back. 马上回来 Professor Proton wears a bowtie! 质子教授就有戴领结 George Junior, 小George give me back that bowtie right now! 把他的领结给我 - I didn't take it! - Don't you lie to me! 我没拿-不许骗我 I'm not lying! 我没说谎 - We'll see about that. - Stay out of my room! 走着瞧-别进我房间 She's gonna find your dirty magazines. 她会搜到你的黄色书刊 Shut up! 闭嘴 You are not having a good day. 你今天惨啦 Hey, hey, he didn't take it. 他没偷拿 Then what happened to it?! Help me find my bowtie! I'll check in the bathroom! 那领结上哪去了 帮我找我的领结 我去浴室看看 I took it. 是我拿的 Why would you do that? 你为什么拿他领结 Mary, the boy is nine years old and going into high school. 那孩子才九岁 现在要去上高中 Isn't that weird enough? 这还不够奇怪吗 Give it to me. Come on. 给我 别这样 It's not just Sheldon. Georgie's gonna be in class with him. 不只是Sheldon George会跟他是同班同学呢 Not in the bathroom! 不在浴室 Give it. 拿来 Would you like to play a driving game? 你想玩一个车上游戏吗 Not really. I always lose. 不太想 我总是输 I know. That's why it's fun. 我知道 所以才好玩啊 How about license plates with prime numbers followed by a com...? 比如找车牌号是质数 后面是合... [Composite number 合数] Why don't we just talk? Very well. 我们就聊天行吗 好的 You understand that some people are gonna be intimidated by you 'cause of how smart you are? 你知道有些人会 被你吓坏吗 因为你那么聪明 [你明白学校里会有人因为你太聪明 而感到威胁吧] Or maybe they'll recognize my intellect and make me their leader. 他们也有可能会认可我的聪明才智 进而推选我当他们的领导 Lord, look after my son. Don't let him get stuffed in a gym bag. 主啊 请保佑我的孩子 保佑他不被人塞进运动包里