1-10麦克风 1. 模拟第一句: ——哎呦喂,兄弟,你英语怎么说得这么溜?——牛逼的人从不解释。英语口语更流利更地道,就在英语麦克风。 - Wow wee! Bro, how do you speak English so well? - A hero never tells. Your English speaking is turned more fluent and more native with English Michael Fun.   2. 模拟第二句: 时代变了,如今英语能力是90%空缺岗位的基本要求。所以这意味着,英语学习是每个职场人士的任务。英语麦克风就是给大家的正确学习英语的工具,比如英文卡拉 OK,独特的思维扩散教学法。(我倒是想看看别的老师这么做。) Times change. In these days, English skills are the primary requirement in 90% of job vacancies and that means English learning is everybody’s job. So give them the tools to get the job done right with English Michael Fun, like the English Karaoke™, featuring a unique mind-opening pedagogy. (I’d like to see other teachers do that.)   3. 模拟第三句: 呵呵,他也许有很多钱,但是他需要真正的好运气才能登上珠峰,因为这个乖乖可是有8848米高! And hey, he may have earned a big fortune, but he’ll need the real good fortune to reach the Mount Everest coz that sucker is 8848 meters tall.
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