Never Let Me Go Chapter1 P5

Never Let Me Go Chapter1 P5

2016-03-02    02'07''

主播: Wilde_for_Bird

617 29

长句子较多,想读慢点,断句就很困难……所以重音有问题。这次录出来有杂音和电流的声音,不知道是不是因为耳机的关系…… 原文如下: Driving around the country now, I still see things that will remind me of Hailsham. I might pass the corner of a misty field, or see part of a large house in the distance as I come down the side of a valley, even a particular arrangement of poplar trees up on a hillside, and I'll think: “Maybe that's it! I've found it! This actually is Hailsham!” Then I see it's impossible and I go on driving, my thoughts drifting on elsewhere. In particular, there are those pavilions. I spot them all over the country, standing on the far side of playing fields, little white prefab buildings with a row of windows unnaturally high up, tucked almost under the eaves. I think they built a whole lot like that in the fifties and sixties, which is probably when ours was put up. If I drive past one I keep looking over to it for as long as possible, and one day I' ll crash the car like that, but I keep doing it. Not long ago I was driving through an empty stretch of Worcestershire and saw one beside a cricket ground so like ours at Hailsham I actually turned the car and went back for a second look.We loved our sports pavilion, maybe because it reminded us of those sweet little cottages people always had in picture books when we were young. I can remember us back in the Juniors, pleading with guardians to hold the next lesson in the pavilion instead of the usual room. Then by the time we were in Senior 2–when we were twelve, going on thirteen–the pavilion had become the place to hide out with your best friends when you wanted to get away from the rest of Hailsham.