

2017-07-04    11'56''

主播: 早安英文 [热血教师]

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「微信」或者「微博」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英语学习笔记: heat of the moment 一时的冲动 The only thing I really get easily angry about is slow drivers or walkers when I’m in a rush! But maybe slow wifi would get there too haha. 嗯,我唯一觉得好容易生气的就是当我很急的时候碰到开车很慢的司机,或者走很慢的人。呃,可能Wi-Fi慢也很气吧哈哈哈。 This is winding me up. / I'm livid. / I’m so pissed off. / My blood is boiling. 我好生气。 Bloody hell! 该死的! I thought you were better than that. 我本以为你可以做得更好的。(你太让我失望了。) I’m not an argumentative sort of person. I always end up apologizing first if I’m in the wrong. I’m terrible at holding a grudge also. I forgive people after two minutes haha. 我不是那种会吵架的人,如果我错了的话我都会先道歉。而且我也不会记仇,都是两分钟就原谅人了。 I wasn’t thinking straight. 我有点不在状态。 I had no right. 我没资格 (那样做那样说)。 That wasn't about you. 不是你的问题。