

2019-12-18    02'01''

主播: 最英语MostEnglish

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他不过偶然抬头,对着大海匆匆一瞥,然后他就看见她了 作品|电影《海上钢琴师》 朗读|Faye --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 《The Legend of 1900》 It happened everytime... someone would look up and see her. 总是如此,总会有人抬起头来看见她。 It’s difficult to understand. 这真令人费解。 What I’m saying is..., there were more than a thousand of us on that ship, traveling richfolks, immigrants, and strange people, and us. 我是说这艘船上有上千名乘客,旅游的富人,移民,异地旅客,以及我们这些人。 Yet, there was always one, one guy alone who would see her first. 然而总会有那么一个人,第一个看见她。 Maybe he was just sitting there eating or walking on the deck. 也许他只是坐在那儿吃东西,或者在甲板上散步。 Maybe he was just fixing his pants. 也许他只是在那儿缝补衣裤。 He’d look up for a second, a quick glance out to sea and he’d see her. 他不过偶然抬头,对着大海匆匆一瞥,然后他就看见她了。 Then he’d just stand there, rooted to the spot, his heart racing. 接着他就呆立在那,心跳加速。 And every time, every damn time, I swear. he’d turn to us, towards the ship, towards everybody and scream… ‘America!’ 我发誓,每一次,真的每一次,他都会转过身来对着船上所有人喊道: “美国!”