

2016-09-03    08'05''

主播: Ashley Z

346 16

相信大家这两天都喝了王健林那碗滚烫的鸡汤,舌头到现在还起泡呢。 而显然国民公公这记大招的不打算只在国内go viral(病毒式传播),它打算把全世界都震得白里透红,现在西媒们都知道“钱不是万能的,钱是万达的。(Money is not all-purpose, money is all his. Money can't buy you everything, he can.)” 外媒是这么翻译“先定一个能达到的小目标,比方说我先挣它一个亿”的。 You shouldn't be that ambitious. Set a small target first, like earning 100 million. 额怎么说呢,这些洋人们的理解能力还是有待提高啊,一个small target怎么能体现大大,而不对,巨巨的豪气?你应该说:Set a tiny target you can achieve, like 100 million. 重要的是you can achieve好吧。 不过外媒报道起来倒是挺客观的,没有只截这段滚热滚热的鸡汤,后面的小米椒配菜也是有的。 他说:“这是个目~标嘛,挣不到挣个8千万也不挺好的吗?只挣个5千万也是很好的嘛。” He went on, "I mean it's a target. It's possible that you can't make it. But maybe you can earn 80 million and you are also happy. Or 50 million (yuan) is also acceptable." 英语君表示,对啊,只挣个5千万也是挺好的。 Yeah yeah yeah, it's surely acceptable, now where do I accept it please? 外媒怕自己的读者get不到(通常也都get不到),所以特地对整件事情的语境做了解释: His comment was made as many young people are claiming wishes to be the world's richest man or are hoping to set up the world's largest company, but without having any feasible plans. 他讲这些话是因为,好多年轻人说想成为世界首富、想创立世界最大的公司,但他们并没有什么可行的目标。 Regardless of the context, the country's richest man's remarks of 100 million yuan being "a small target" has gone viral on social media platforms in China such as Weibo, the country's equivalent to Twitter. 不过虽然背景是这样的,但这位中国首富把1个亿说成小目标这一段还是在微博一类的社交平台上像病毒一样传播了(微博是中国版的推特)。 事实证明,巨巨各有各的巨,草民的玻璃心都是一样的,国外网友们受刺激后的评论也是很活色生香: "Now I understand, Wang's wealth of 170 billion yuan is actually made up by 1,700 small targets." 我懂了,原来巨巨的财富是用1700个可以实现的小目标积累而成的。 "That's one small step for Wang, but a giant leap for mankind." 这是巨巨的一小步,这是人类的一大步。 这种黑金级段子手的体质,真不是王健林才有,马云今日也不甘示弱地玩起金句接龙了。 他在阿里巴巴内部会议上说:中国最幸福的人是一个月有两三万块钱”、“超过一两千万,麻烦就来了”、“超过一两个亿的时候,麻烦就大了”。 from 沪江英语