

2017-05-13    05'19''

主播: 蟋蟀英语Rick老师

284 2

41 What Kind of Movies Do You Like? David comes to Mike's home today. He is Mike's new classmate. He comes from England. Mike is eager to talk about his favourite Harry Potter with David, because the movie is made in David's homeland--England. Mike: Hey, David. I think you must be familiar with the movie Harry Potter, right? David: Well, I know it. In fact, I didn't read the books and I didn't watch the film, either. Mike: I am sorry to hear that. What kind of movies do you like? Do you like action movies? David: I don't like movies. I like Beijing opera. Mike: Wow! David: How about you? It seems that you like movies very much. What kind of movies do you like? Mike: I like magic movies and action movies. David: That sounds good! 今天,戴维来到麦克家。他是麦克的新同学。他来自英国。麦克迫不及待地想和戴维讨论自己最喜欢的电影《哈利•波特》,因为这部电影拍摄于戴维的故乡——英国。 麦克:嗨,戴维。我想你应该很熟悉《哈利•波特》这部电影吧? 戴维:嗯,我知道这部电影。但是事实上,我没有看过相关的书,也没有看过这部电影。 麦克:听到这个我感到很遗憾。那你喜欢什么类型的电影呢?你喜欢动作片吗? 戴维:我不喜欢电影。我喜欢京剧。 麦克:哇! 戴维:你呢?你好像很喜欢电影。你喜欢什么类型的电影? 麦克:我喜欢魔幻片和动作片。 戴维:听起来很不错! classmate ['klɑːs.meɪt] n. 同班同学 eager ['iːɡə(r)] adj. 热切的 homeland ['həʊm.lænd] n. 故乡 familiar [fə'mɪliə] adj. 熟悉的 action ['ækʃn] n.动作 opera ['ɒp(ə)rə] n.戏剧
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