【听歌学英语】Let her go

【听歌学英语】Let her go

2018-12-17    08'24''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1053 13

《Let her go》 主播:Fiona 这首歌是英国民谣创作歌手 passenger 的作品,单曲在2012年7月发行,是passenger 的首张个人专辑《All the little lights》的第二支单曲。从2012年底,该单曲接连在欧洲、大洋洲获得成功,随后又开始风靡北美,让我们继续体验这首歌曲的魅力吧! ——音乐—— 如果仅仅把这首歌定义为 对逝去爱情的吟唱无疑是狭隘的,在它的吟唱中,脑海里不断闪过这些画面:有日薄西山的红日,有安放不了的故乡,有渐行渐远的父母,有相对无言的老友,还有在追梦途中遗忘的初衷…..我们一路攀爬,停下来回头看一看,才知道不是从未拥有,而是自己从未发现。 It is surely biased to define it simply as a chant of lost love. In this song, the images that constantly flash through our minds : the red sun on the west mountain, the parents who are growing apart, the hometown where dreams cannot be placed, the old friends and the original dreams. We climb all the way, stop and comeback to have a look, just know not have, but never found. Just like, it took a long time to discover that the one who really loves you has the heartache and anger he tries to hide when you are wronged in his eyes. Certainly, to our sorrow, we always know what we have, just thought we had never lose it. ——音乐—— 只有走到了事物的对立面,才后知后觉的发现曾经所拥有的幸福和快乐。 在逼仄中,才了解曾经被如此善良的对待: 在逆境中,才知晓往日的登高并未望远; 在刻薄中,才真切知道宽容的非凡意义。 人生的老幼强弱,高低起伏,每个人都会经历,有了这些经历,才有了深厚的懂得! In the narrow ,we realized that we had been treated so kindly . In adversity we knew that one’s ascent is not far off . In acrimony ,we understood the significance of tolerance. The life is so short , cherish the present, keep in mind ,don’ treasure what you have until you lose it . 要知道:生命是如此短暂,珍惜自己眼前的人和事。一定不要在失去后,才懂得珍惜! 好啦,今天的《听歌学英语》就要接近尾声啦!这首《let her go》你们喜欢吗? 可以在屏幕下方给主播留言你们喜欢的英文歌哦! 我是主播Fiona,我们下期再见! Good—bye!