

2020-02-15    06'58''

主播: 新联学院英语广播电台

1238 12

《小森林:寻找生活中的小确幸》 Hello,everyone. This is Campus Radio Service. I'm Clover. 今天要给大家介绍的是日本小清新电影《小森林》,下面,就让我们一起去寻找生活中的小确幸吧。 The heroine of the story because of cannot blend in blatant and big noisy city, the ordinary girl Ichiko choose to return the hometown that grows since childhood—Komori village,northeastern Japan. There is no too much fashion and civilization here, the local people live a traditional life of sunrise and sunset. They depend on the weather to eat and their hands to run their lives. Life is not rich,but their hearts are are full of fullness and joy.Influenced by her mother, Ichiko seems to have a strong interest in making all kinds of delicious foods by hand. Mother has been missing for long time,the memory and reproduction of food has become unique way of communication between mother and daughter. What's more,there are all kinds of ingredients taken from nature,how can we waste a lot of natural things and waste a lot of good time?Accompanied by friends Kiko and Yuta,Ichiko walked peacefully through spring,summer,autumn and winter. 《小森林》根据漫画家五十岚大介的原作改编,讲述了平凡女孩市子,因为无法融入喧嚣吵闹的大城市,选择回到自幼生长的老家,位于日本东北地区的小森村的故事。在市子母亲离开后,春夏秋冬,市子在小森度过了几年光阴,从母亲那里学会的厨艺和她自己耕耘收获所制作的简朴美食,填充了少女清寡的生活和对未来迷惑的心情:春天樱花遍野,有鲜蔬下饭,夏季酷热难耐,有冰镇米酒解暑,秋季百物丰实,煎番鸭佐餐,冬季漫雪回甘,煮沸一锅热汤。抉择前途迷茫孤独的内心,四季更迭不断的餐桌各色食物以及和朋友近邻的沟通互助,市子就是在自勤自力中,慢慢品尽不同的心境和遭遇,确立了明朗的去路。 《小森林》这部电影,清新自然,返璞归真,没有矫情做作的故事,自然到让人舒服。日出而作,日入而息,纯粹而美好。 降调的色调和配乐,动感的云、树、田野、一道道天然取材,精心烹饪的美食,构成了一部毫无矫情做作的极致小清新之作。印象深刻的是每一道菜做好后女主开动的特写,或许生活可以平淡,但也只有用心体验后,才会得到咀嚼收获时的满足。 影片中蕴含着朴素却又真实的道理,就像市子在给妈妈的信上写道: Every time I look back at myself,I found that I fell down in the same place every time. Despite all the efforts,but always draw circles in the same place. Wandering to the end is only back to the origin is very lost. But I gained experience every time.So neither failure nor success is the origin. So it's not a circle it's a spiral. From a certain point of view as if in the same place to circle. It's more or less going to deviate from the previous point or the next point. That's fine. Maybe people are sprawling around in the same place. Each time there is a different or up or down or horizontal extension. My circle is getting bigger and bigger every time. So the spiral gets bigger and bigger every time. I think I should try harder. 每个人心里都有一片静谧的小森林。有着坚定内心又敢于与孤独为伴的人,虽无法像市子那样归隐田园,但无妨大隐隐于市—忙时认真对待工作,闲时认真对待自己。做一顿简单又美味的饭菜慢慢的品尝食物本身的味道;泡一壶茶,看水沸叶翻,细细品尝茶汤中千变万化的滋味;读一本书,静静地感受书中的颜如玉,黄金屋。不用去森林,你已经有了自己的田园牧歌了。只要用心,你就会发现生活中的小确幸。 好了,今天的分享到这里就结束了,我是Clover. 最后,送给大家一句话:Life is not just about living in front of you,but also about poetry and distance.