

2020-02-04    26'21''

主播: 陈鹏吉他

321 1

如果说摇滚音乐是电闪雷鸣般令人振奋的灵魂荡涤,那么像一股涓涓清流从你的心头流过,或者像一首田园诗一般让你心旷神怡的音乐,就非民谣莫属了。第124期《夜晚的旋律》为您推出美国民谣乐队四兄弟合唱团(The Brothers Four)的专题介绍。 早在五、六十年代起,在摇滚乐风靡乐坛独霸一方的大环境里,四兄弟合唱团就以其走心的音乐和非同一般的生命力成为为数不多的几个民谣乐队之一。虽然成员都已年过花甲,合唱团至今依然不时为听众送上精神的抚慰。他们的作品中有描述纯洁爱情的《七朵水仙花》,有歌词韵律优美的《绿野》,有悲情忧伤的怀旧之作《回忆往事》。这些精品都可以通过精心的编排制作和主持人的心灵导航,通过本期节目使您再次享受音乐带来的愉悦。 如同前两期《夜晚的旋律》,本期节目也是由一位热心听众担任总策划和总撰稿人。本期由文采飞扬的爱德华钱先生策划、撰稿。敬请欣赏。 在本期视频节目中,请您欣赏的是陈鹏改编演奏的四兄弟合成团的经典之作Try to Remember《回忆往事》。 歌词介绍 翻译:爱德华.钱 Seven Daffodils 《七朵水仙花》 By The Brothers Four I may not have mansion, I haven't any land Not even a paper dollar to crinkle in my hands But I can show you morning on a thousand hills And kiss you and give you seven daffodils I do not have a fortune to buy you pretty things But I can weave you moonbeams for necklaces and rings And I can show you morning on a thousand hills And kiss you and give you seven daffodils. Oh, seven golden daffodils all shining in the sun To light our way to evening when our day is done And I will give music and a crust of bread And a pillow of piny boughs to rest your head. A pillow of piny boughs to rest your head. 我无房无地,手中甚至没有一元纸币皱皱巴巴,但我能带你去看叠嶂山峦上的朝霞,吻你,送你七朵水仙花。 我没钱没势,不能送你珠宝与首饰,但我能用月光为你 编织项链和戒指。 我会带上面包作野餐,弹起吉他为你歌唱;还有松枝做枕 给你依靠,让你进入甜蜜梦乡。 Greenfields 《绿野》 By The Brothers Four Once there were green fields kissed by the sun Once there were valleys where rivers used to run Once there were blue skies with white clouds high above Once they were part of an everlasting love We were the lovers who strolled through green fields Green fields are gone now, parched by the sun Gone from the valleys where rivers used to run Gone with the cold wind that swept into my heart Gone with the lovers who let their dreams depart Where are the green fields that we used to roam I'll never know what made you run away How can I keep searching when dark clouds hide the day I only know there's nothing here for me Nothing in this wide world, left for me to see Still I'll keep on waiting until you return I'll keep on waiting until the day you learn You can't be happy while your heart's on the roam You can't be happy until you bring it home Home to the green fields and me once again 这里曾是阳光亲吻的绿野,清溪流淌的山谷;这里蓝天白云,这里爱情永驻。我们相恋漫步在这片绿野。 烈日晒干了绿野,溪流枯竭于山谷;凛冽的寒风将我心刺破,曾经的恋人把爱梦凋落。当年漫步的绿野今何在? 我将在这里等待,直到你最终归来。心若流浪在路上,你何以得到憩歇;幸福就是回家,幸福就在这片绿野! Try to Remember 《回忆往日》 By The Brothers Four Try to remember the kind of September When life was slow and oh, so mellow Try to remember the kind of September When grass was green and grain was yellow Try to remember the kind of September When you were a tender and callow fellow Try to remember and if you remember Then follow, follow Try to remember when life was so tender That no one wept except the willow Try to remember the time of September When love was an ember about to billow Try to remember and if you remember Then follow, follow Deep in December It's nice to remember Although you know the snow will follow Deep in December It's nice to remember The fire of September that made us mellow Deep in December our hearts should remember And follow, follow, follow... 回忆那醉人的九月,悠悠生活漫漫时光。回忆那醉人的九月,草儿青青稻谷金黄。回忆那醉人的九月,曾经的你青涩而稚气。回忆,若你能回忆,那就回忆、回忆。 回忆那生命柔软之际,忍住那盈盈泪眼。回忆那醉人的九月,爱情之星火即将燎原。 深冬十二月也值得回忆,虽然白雪即将飘零。深冬十二月也值得回忆,九月之火使我们更加温馨。 --- The End --- BigStar Music and Arts, Inc 出品 策划:爱德华.钱 主播: 温迪 制作:陈鹏 封面设计:钱革非 文字: 一茗, 爱德华.钱 声明:本音视频版权归“夜晚的旋律”所有,除注明原创内容及署名文字外,文字、音乐、图片及视频均来自网络,仅用于辅助学习与欣赏,版权归相关权利人所有。