

2017-05-05    06'20''

主播: 新XIN越YUE

1109 41

Day75. Though once quite large, the population of the bald eagle across North America has drastically declined in the past forty years. 
 Drastic 美 [ˈdræstɪk] adj.激烈的;极端的;猛烈的;(法律等)严厉的 In a situation like this, drastic measures are needed. 在这种形势下需要采取严厉措施。 This has drastic effects on society and economies. 这对社会和经济产生了巨大的影响。 They had a drastic dispute over the draft. 他们在草稿问题上有着激烈的争执。 Descend 缓缓下降,衰退 We're not going to descend to such methods 我们不会沦落到使用这种手段。 Drop /fall 从高处跌落;突然猛烈的下降 Temperatures can drop to freezing at night 夜间温度可能会降到零度以下。 Sink 下沉(沉下水中,空气中下沉);也指能力,体积,意识的消失或缩小 Share prices would have sunk — hurting small and big investors 股票价格就会下跌——大小投资者均会遭受打击。 Decline 降低,衰退 There wasn't such a big decline in enrollments after all 注册人数终究还是没有出现如此大幅度的下降。 Decrease 减少数量 Population growth is decreasing by 1.4% each year 人口增长率正在以每年1.4%的速度下降。 Lessen 减少,减轻 Time can lessen all anguish. 时间可以减轻一切痛苦。 Diminish 缩小,减弱 Federalism is intended to diminish the power of the central state 联邦制旨在削弱中央政府的权力。 Reduce 减少,变弱 Oil is put in machinery to reduce the friction. 把油涂到机器上减少摩擦。 Abate 减少,减轻,失效 The role of teacher greatly abate. 老师所起的作用大大减弱了。 Dwindle 退化,衰退,减少 Exports are dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling 出口在缩减,贸易赤字在增长。