【乱世佳人-经典瞬间】"Sir,you are no gentleman.""And you miss are no lady."

【乱世佳人-经典瞬间】"Sir,you are no gentleman.""And you miss are no lady."

2014-08-30    01'00''

主播: 千鸟之月

1061 83

战争开始了吗? Has the war started? 先生, 你应该让我们知道,你在这里 Sir, you should have madeyour presence known. 打断这美丽的爱情场景吗? ln the middle of that beautiful love scene? 那可太不理智了, 不是吗? That wouldn't have been very tactful, would it? 但是不用担心 我会帮你保守秘密的 But don't worry, your secret is safe with me. 先生, 你可真不是位君子 Sir, you are no gentleman! 而你, 小姐, 也不是位淑女 And you, Miss, are no lady. 但别以为我会以此要胁你 Don't think l hold that against you. 淑女对我根本没有吸引力 Ladies have never held any charm for me. 你是不光彩的占我便宜 现在又侮辱我 First you take a low, common advantageof me, then you insult me. 我认为那是一种赞美 我希望能够多见见你... l meant it as a complimentand l hope to see more of you... 当高尚的卫尔克斯先生 对你的魔咒解除之后 when you're free of the spellof the elegant Mr. Wilkes. 我认为他连你的一半都配不上 你的什么... He doesn't strike me as half good enoughfor a girl of your, what was it? 你那对生命的热情 Your "passion for living." 你的胆子真大 你连替他擦鞋也不配 How dare you!You aren't fit to wipe his boots. 而你打算恨他一辈子 And you were going to hate himfor the rest of your life.