

2014-08-30    03'12''

主播: 千鸟之月

574 61

各位先生女士们... And now, ladies and gentlemen... 为了医院的福利 我有一个惊人的建议 l have a startling surprisefor the benefit of the hospital. 先生们, 如果你想和 心目中的小姐跳第一支舞... Gentlemen, if you wish to lead the openingreel with the lady of your choice... 你们必须为她竞价 you must bid for her. 米医生夫人 你怎么容许你丈夫这么做... Caroline Meade, how can you permityour husband to conduct this... 这简直是奴隶拍卖 this slave auction? 马桃莉, 你竟敢批评我 Dolly Merriwether, how dare you criticize me! 卫梅兰妮告诉医生说... Melanie Wilkes told the doctor... 如果是为了神圣的目标 是可以这么做的 that if it's for the benefit of the cause, it's quite all right. 她真这么说? She did! 天啊!我的嗅盐呢? Oh dear, oh dear.Where are my smelling salts? 我觉得自己快晕倒了 I think l shall faint. 你不能晕, 碧蒂 Don't you dare faint, Pittypat Hamilton. 如果梅兰妮说可以, 那就没问题 lf Melanie says it's all right, it is all right. 先生们, 开始喊价吧? 开始叫价吧? Come, gentlemen, do l hear your bids?Make your offers. 别害臊, 先生们 Don't be bashful, gentlemen. 20元, 20元请马美贝小姐 Twenty dollars, $20 for Miss Maybelle Merriwether. 25元请芬妮小姐 Twenty-five dollars for Miss Fanny Elsing. 你只25元... Only $25 to give your... 150元金币... One hundred and fifty dollars in gold. 请哪位小姐?先生 For what lady, sir? 请查尔斯.汉密尔顿夫人 For Mrs. Charles Hamilton. 请谁?先生 For whom, sir? 查尔斯.汉密尔顿夫人 Mrs. Charles Hamilton. 汉密尔顿夫人正在服丧期间, 巴特勒船长 Mrs. Hamilton is in mourning, Captain Butler... 我相信亚特兰大 其他的美女们都乐意... but l'm sure any of our Atlanta belleswould be proud to... 米医生, 我说查尔斯.汉密尔顿夫人 Dr. Meade, l said Mrs. Charles Hamilton. 她不会同意的, 先生 She will not consider it, sir. 不, 我同意 Oh yes, l will. 请选好维吉尼亚土风舞的舞伴 Choose your partners for the Virginia reel. 我们吓坏了那些联合政府的人 We've sort of shocked the Confederacy. 这好像突破防线, 对吧? lt's a bit like blockade-running, isn't it? 也许更糟 It's worse. 但我想从中得到更可观的利益 But I expect a very fancy profit out of it. 我才不管你想得到什么 或是他们怎么想 I don't care what you expector what they think. 我只想要跳舞...跳舞 l'm going to dance and dance. 今晚就算和亚伯拉罕林肯跳舞 我也不在乎 Tonight I wouldn't mind dancingwith Abe Lincoln himself. 再多跳一支舞 我的名声将荡然无存 Another dance and my reputationwill be lost forever. 只要足够的勇气, 你无需虚名 With enough courage, you can do without a reputation. 你讲这种话真是可恶 Oh, you do talk scandalous. 你华尔茲舞跳得真好, 巴特勒船长 You do waltz divinely, Captain Butler. 不要开始调戏我 我不是你农庄中的男孩 Don't start flirting with me.l'm not one of your plantation beaux. 我不只想挑逗你 l want more than flirting from you. 这话什么意思? What do you want? 我告诉你, 斯嘉丽·奥哈拉 你把南方美女的假笑去掉 I'll tell you, Scarlett O'Hara, if you'll takethat Southern belle simper off your face. 总有一天我要你对我说... Some day l want you to say to me... 我听到你对艾希礼·卫尔克斯说的那些话 the words l heard you sayto Ashley Wilkes: "我爱你" "l love you." 你不可能听到这些话, 巴特勒船长 这辈子没机会 That's something you'll never hear fromme, Captain Butler, as long as you live.