Lesson-553 你有什么事,用英文怎么表达

Lesson-553 你有什么事,用英文怎么表达

2019-06-29    01'13''

主播: 宇 公

216 1

6-29麦克风 特别感谢同学们,让这又变成了一个不同凡响的课程。没有你们,这一切都不可能实现。 And a special thank you to the students for making this another impressive course. None of this would be possible without you. 在人类历史上,只有5个国家可以把宇宙飞船发射到太空。这是一个难以想象的少数者俱乐部。能够参与到这个层级的竞争,需要无人比拟的经济和科技实力;而在这些世界最棒的国家中脱颖而出,被认为是第一个到达月球背面的国家,需要的是那些真正特别和与众不同的东西。 Only about 5 countries have sent spaceships to the universe over human history. It’s an incredibly exclusive club. Just to compete at this level requires unmatched economy and technology, and to rise above the very best in the world and be considered the first to reach the dark side of the moon requires something truly special. 这是一份更加精挑细选的只有12种动物的名单。鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪,祝贺你们,付出了神圣的努力。感谢你们的辛劳、信念,以及对于凡人们永不动摇的承诺。 It’s an even more select roster of just 12 animals. To mouse, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, and pig, congratulations on your holy caliber efforts. Thank you for your hard work, faith, and unwavering commitment to mere mortals.