Lesson-564 五千年良渚文化印证中华文明

Lesson-564 五千年良渚文化印证中华文明

2019-07-10    01'28''

主播: 宇 公

156 1

7-10麦克风 1. The Liangzhu Culture entered the stage of civilization around 3000 BC, roughly the same time that Egyptian civilization was taking shape on the Nile. 2. The excavations in Liangzhu have been very systematic and very successful. It’s important for any nation to open its doors and have people visiting it know about its early past. It is a site of primary importance. For me personally it's already one of the great early sites of China and one of the great early sites of the world. 3. The uniqueness of the relics and the scale of Liangzhu is just an example of how innovative ancient China must have been. And ultimately those memories from 5000 years ago will serve as inspiration today and will continue to do so for generations to come. 大约在公元前3000年,良渚文化进入到了文明阶段,大约在同一时期,埃及文明在尼罗河上也逐渐形成。 良渚古城的挖掘工作非常有条理,并且也十分成功。敞开国门并让前来参观的人们了解它的早期历史对任何国家来说都十分重要。它是一处至关重要的遗址。对我个人来说,这已然是重要的中国早期遗址之一,重要的世界早期遗址之一。 这些遗迹的独一无二和良渚遗址的规模是中国古代文明企及高度的例证。最终,这些来自5000年前的记忆将会为如今的人们带来启示,也会一直为子孙后代带来启示。