Lesson-567 杨丞琳和李荣浩让我们相信爱情

Lesson-567 杨丞琳和李荣浩让我们相信爱情

2019-07-13    01'16''

主播: 宇 公

229 1

7-13麦克风 我之所以开始做《英语麦克风》,是因为我做了一个生活方式上绝对称得上巨大的改变。你可以通过我的工作时间看出来,我已经告别了朝九晚五的工作。 The reason why I started to do EMF was I’ve made a definitely big change in the - I guess - lifestyle that I’m in. So you can tell by the working hours. I have switched off of 9 to 5. 我之所以转到这个(形式)主要是因为自由。一手操办的感觉太酷了。这种氛围感觉很个性化很棒。 The reason why I switched to this one particularly was the freedom. The all-by-yourself work is just super cool. The atmosphere feels so personal and so nice. 当然也不都是完美的,坦白说,我想念很多曾在新东方的点滴。我想念校园和教室,我想念和大学们的互动和交流。但是在过去三年中,我已经适应了。最终你发现《英语麦克风》学员是你能遇到的最棒的学生。 Now it’s not all rainbows and unicorns here. There’s a lot of stuff that I do miss from XDF if I’m being honest. I miss campuses and classrooms. I miss the interaction that I have with college students. But over the past 3 years I’ve just gotten used to it, and eventually you just find out that EMFers are the best students you could ever meet.