Lesson-566 是哪部手机让科技男告别了苹果手机

Lesson-566 是哪部手机让科技男告别了苹果手机

2019-07-12    01'46''

主播: 宇 公

225 0

7-12 麦克风 1. The reason why I started to do this video was I've made a relatively big change in the - I guess – ecosystem that I'm in. So you can tell by the title, I have switched off of Apple’s iPhones. I've been someone who's used Apple's iPhones for a really long time as my primary phone and this is the first time I can confidently say that I am pretty much Apple-free in my life. 2. So this phone I switched over to is the OnePlus 7 Pro. The reason why I switched to this one particularly was the screen. The 90 hertz screen is just super smooth. The animations look so silky and so nice. 3. Now it's not all rainbows and unicorns here. There’s a lot of stuff that I do miss from iOS if I'm being honest. I miss iMessage. I miss the integration that iPhones have with each other, like with other family members. But over the past month I've just gotten used to it. You’ve got to force yourself to not have and out, right. You just force yourself to use Android, get used to it and eventually you just learn to love it.