

2017-11-10    07'39''

主播: 念念英文

62 0

电台笔记:挥霍怎么说? * Splurge / splash out (on) * When your income goes up, it’s fine to splurge a little.
 如果你的收入增加了,当然可以适当挥霍一点。 * I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to splash out on beauty products.
 我不确定是否应该在美容产品上花那么多钱。 * Money burns a hole in one’s pocket * When he has money, he has to spend it. Money burns a hole in his pocket.
 他有钱就非花不可,根本留不住。 * Spend money like water * She spends money like water when she's angry.
 她一生气就花钱如流水。 * Shop till you drop * We plan to shop till we drop tomorrow.