

2018-02-26    08'24''

主播: 念念英文

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大家好,欢迎收听念念英文"老外说"。我是Echo,哈哈哈哈~ 好久没听到这个栏目的名字了,甚是想念有木有?! 今天敲开心敲鸡冻~ 因为有幸邀请到一对跨国恋人来一起录节目。Mathilda 和 Aslan 现在都居住在英国,Mathilda 是个中国女孩儿,而 Aslan 是土生土长的英国人。他俩的组合呢就是传说中的 International relationship,跨国恋。 看到这儿大家的八卦心是不是已经熊熊燃烧了呢?他们是怎么认识的?怎么开始的?约会都做些什么呢?今天我们就请这对跨国恋的主人公一起来聊一聊这个有趣的话题。 How did you meet each other? 你们俩是怎么认识的? Aslan: We met on Tinder, which is a dating APP. 我们是在一个叫做Tinder的社交软件上认识的。 Mathilda: Yeah it’s a very popular dating APP where you can see people’s profile pictures, and you can choose to swipe left and right to decide if you want to keep talking this person or not. Basically, you are judging them based on their looks. 是的。这是一个特别火的社交软件,在这个软件里你可以看照片然后左右滑动照片来决定是否要跟这个人聊天。基本上你就是在考量对方的颜值。 Aslan: Yea, or you can view their profiles as well. 是的,或者你也可以读读人家的个人简介。 Mathilda: Yeah, you can. It’s actually quite like a “love at first sight” kind of thing, pretty superficial, I reckon. 对,也能看简介。其实有点“一见钟情”的感觉,我觉得就是看脸啦,比较肤浅。 Aslan: Yeah, very often it is, but I did check out your profile. 是的,确实是有点肤浅啦,但是我也看了你的个人简介哦。 Mathilda: Oh, actually, can you remind me what was there in your profile? 对了,你的简介里写了什么来着? Aslan Well, I had just the usual stuff, like what my interests are, what my job is. But then I also had some reviews, written by friends about me. 就是普通的东西,像是我的兴趣啦,工作啦。但也有朋友们给我的评价。 Mathilda: That’s really brilliant, because till now I still remember, one of those reviews from your colleagues really impressed me a lot, and that was actually THE ONE review that got me and made me think ‘oh, maybe I should try dating this guy.’ 好机智啊!我还记得你同事给你写的一条评论,令我印象深刻。我就是被那条评论打动的。当时心想“喔,也许我该试试看跟这个男生约会。” Aslan: Was that Shiv’s? 是Shiv的评论吗? Mathilda: Yes, you are right. So, in his comment, he wrote, quote ‘i would like this guy to date my sister.’ unquote, and I was like, ‘ ok, sounds like he is the guy.’ 对啊~ 他当时写“想让我的妹妹跟他约会!”我当时就想“好吧,看样子这个男生不错啊。” Aslan: Aha. 哈哈 Mathilda: You should thank him. 你该谢谢他。 Aslan: I will, I will. 恩恩。 How did you figure out this is it? That he or she is the one you’re looking for? 你们是如何确定对方就是自己要找的那个人呢? Aslan: It was just being very comfortable hanging around with each other, very comfortable, just having a lot of fun, just felt very natural. 就是两个人相处非常非常的舒服,很开心,很自在。 Mathilda: Before we get into a committed relationship, we actually dated for a couple of months. 我们正式确立关系前,还是约会了好几个月的。 Aslan: Yes. That’s how we tend to do it in the UK. You tend to date, like you meet up with people on a semi-regular basis, just to see if you are a good match for you, and then after that you decide. If you want to go ahead with this, you can then become a commited or exclusive couple. And then from there you either test the water as you see fit, or like ‘hey, I really like you, let’s be an item.’. 是的。在英国人们一般都是这样。大家先约会,时不时见个面,看合不合得来,然后再做决定。如果你们想继续发展下去,你们可以成为彼此唯一的约会对象。再然后,你们可以进一步试试水,看看两人是不是合适,或者(直接说)“嘿,我非常喜欢你,我们在一起吧!” Echo: I notice you used the word ‘exclusive’, which means you’re committed to each other and no longer available. But I was just wondering, before you actually established this gf/bf relationship, can you still see other people while you are on the dating phase? 我注意到你用了“唯一的”这个词,意思就是你们俩正式确立关系、并且寻找其他对象了。但我想问,在约会阶段,真正成为男女朋友前,你们还可以约其他人吗? Aslan Yes, so in the first phase, I guess, in the UK or in the West, a lot of time you are expected to be dating multiple people, because you are still just getting to know each other. 恩。在英国,或者西方国家,在第一阶段(约会阶段)时,大多数情况下你可以和几个不同的人约会,因为你们只是在了解彼此而已。 Mathilda: Hmmm…. So did you date any other people while we were dating? 嗯… 所以我们约会那会儿,你有跟其他人约过吗? Aslan: No. 没有。 Mathilda: Me neither, so I guess we were both doing pretty well back then. 我也没。估计我们那会儿都还表现的不错吧。 Echo: Well well, that’s a tricky one. 啧啧,这是个坑啊~ Aslan: There was a lot of debate at work as well, like the opinion is kind of split, so, well, I think it’s culturally acceptable, probably more so in America than the U.K., but it’s kind of expected that you can’t date multiple people at once. Usually people tend to still put other potential dates on pause, until you made a decision on the person you are currently dating. 办公室里也有许多关于这个话题的讨论,每个人的看法都不太一样。我认为从文化角度,和多个对象约会是可以接受的,或许在美国更常见。但大家还是觉得最好不要同时和若干人约会。比方说你跟一个人约会的时候,就暂停一下其他交往,直到你决定要不要和这个人继续发展。 Mathilda: That sounds really good. I think we actually should do that in China as well. Because you know, in China, we tend to first announce ‘hey, you are gonna be my girlfriend., and then you start to date. And maybe after a couple of months you realize ‘no, this is the wrong person.’ But things have already been rolling around and been happening for a while. And sometimes it gets really ugly. 这样很好啊~ 我觉得在中国也应该这样。因为现在在中国大家一般会先宣布“嘿,你做我女朋友吧”然后再开始约会。然后过了几个月发现“不行,这个人不适合。”但已经覆水难收了。有时候还会搞得很狗血。 Aslan: Yeah, like things are progressed too far for it to be something that can be easily undone. 是的,发展的太快,就回不去了。 Mathilda: Yeah, so a lot of really wacky, bad stories happened in China. We should do the date first, relationship, commitment next. 是啊,所以在中国有很多奇里奇怪的、狗血的感情故事。所以我觉得大家应该先约会,再恋爱。 What do you do on your dates? 你们约会的时候都做些神马呢? Aslan: On our dates, we did plenty of things on our dates, we’ve been on so many dates. So the first date was a really nice restaurant which has a very limited menu but it’s a very well-created menu. All the same price but all just as good as each other. So we went there, I had a duck based meal, I can’t quite remember what you had Mathilda. For the rest of the date, we went on a walk around York. We went along all the ancient city walls there from the Viking era. 我们约会的时候做过很多事情。第一次约会,我们去了一家很棒的餐厅,虽然菜色不算丰富,但是还蛮好吃的。每道菜的价格都一样的,但都很棒棒。我点了鸭肉,Mathilda 吃的啥我不太记得了。吃完饭我们在约克,沿着维京时代的古城墙走了走。 Mathilda: Yeah that was a really nice walk after food. And also, you know in China, we have the Great Wall in Beijing. And besides that we also have the ancient city wall in Xi’an. Those were both really really fascinating architectures as well. So ancient city wall walking is always nostalgia for me in a good way. It was a good first date. 是的,那次饭后散步特别愉快。在中国,我们有北京的长城。除此之外,还有西安的古城墙,也都是非常有魅力的建筑。所以沿着古城墙散步总是能让我想起家乡~ 这次约会真的很开心。 Aslan: Thank you, it was awesome. 哈哈哈~ 那次约会是很棒。 Mathilda: And then, later on, after we became boyfriend and girlfriend, we stopped going out that much, because that’s expensive. So we started to cook at home, which is quite fun. 后来我们成了男女朋友,就不太出去约会了,因为贵(穷)。所以我们开始在家做饭,特别好玩。 Aslan: Yeah, I remember my favorite meal we made together was a chorizo and prawn burger, which is really cool. 是的,我记得有一次我们一起做了一个西班牙辣香肠明虾汉堡,超赞。 Mathilda: Yeah, that’s the one. 对对对,就是那个汉堡。 Aslan: I wanna make it again really badly. 我好想再做一次那个汉堡。 Mathilda: I remember there was avocado? 我记得里面还有牛油果? Aslan: There was avocado, and also I remember I made a cool burger sauce, I was mixing in all kinds of herbs. 对,我记得我还做了个特别酷的汉堡酱汁,混合了各种香料在里面。 Mathilda: And I actually named Aslan the Sauce Master after that. 对啊~ 因为太好吃了,我还说他是“酱汁大师”。 Aslan: The Sauce Master! That’s me! That’s my official kitchen title. 哈哈哈对,请叫我“酱汁大师”~~ Mathilda: And we also had this great idea to invite all our friends to our place so we can cook for them once in a while. 我们还想偶尔邀请所有的朋友到家里来,给他们做顿饭。 Aslan: Yeah, but we never got around to doing that, we probably still should. 是的,但是还没能抽出时间来干这件事儿,真的应该找个时间。 Mathilda: Yeah we should, that will be really cool. Like a little personal restaurant for us and our friends. 是啊,我们应该做一次,会很棒的。像是一个私人小厨房。 Aslan: Yeah, that’ll be very fun. 恩,会很好玩儿的。 Mathilda: That’s a brilliant idea. 这主意棒呆了。 Aslan: Yeah. Let’s do that. 是啊,干起来! Mathilda: We are busy though. 但是我们太忙了。 Aslan: We are very busy… 相当忙… Mathilda: But we should do that! 但还是要干起来! Echo: Well, all this sounds really fun! … and I especially like the cooking part. I think it’s very important that couples do things together, and you definitely should cook when I’m there to visit…. Okay, I think that’s it for today, thank you so much for being here and talk with us. I enjoyed it a lot and I believe our audience will love it too! 哈哈哈这些都听起来都很棒棒哦!我尤其喜欢做饭的部分。我觉得情侣一起做一些事情很重要,我去找你们玩的时候你们一定要做饭喔… 好了,今天就到这里,感谢你们来录节目~ 我觉得很开心很享受,相信我们的观众也会喜欢的! 那今天的节目就到这里啦~ M&A下周还会来老外说做客,如果大家有什么感兴趣的问题想问他们,欢迎留言告诉我们哦~